


At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, work is in full swing at the selection committee. This year, on the initiative of the head of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, the commission switched to a new format for accepting documents.

The work of the selection committee started on June 1. After moving to a building equipped with modern equipment, an electronic queue system was launched for applicants. The most relevant information regarding the conditions of admission is communicated to young people through social networks. From June 20 to July 7, at the faculties of journalism, philosophy and political science, medicine and health, documents were accepted for creative exams. In total, 619 applicants took part in the bachelor's degree competition from July 8 to 13, of which 101 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, 141 in Medicine and Health, and 377 in journalism.

Acceptance of documents for applicants to the magistracy will last until July 16, and creative exams will be held on July 25. Exams for admission to doctoral studies will be held from 4 to 20 August. The list of those received under the state order will be published by August 25. Also, applications for the award of a state educational grant from applicants who have passed the UNT in the country and who have gained a threshold score will begin to be accepted from July 16 in online and offline formats. According to experts, 3514 applicants have been consulted online on Microsoft Team, WhatsApp and other social networks, while 5305 have been offline.

Applicants can find complete information on specialties on the website For their convenience, there are special pages on the networks: Instagram (@kaznu_talapker), Telegram (Kaznu_Talapker), Facebook (Kaznu Talapker), TikTok (Kaznu talapker).

The University invites educated and self-confident young people to study!

Dear applicant, choose KazNU - the only university in the country, included in the top 200 universities in the world, and take a step into your bright future!


Press service of KazNU named after Al-Farabi