


A letter of thanks from the head of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, was received by all senior curators-advisers and deputy faculties for educational, methodological and educational work, who showed activity in organizing the educational process and all social and cultural events of the university, who contributed to the dynamic development of the educational institution.

- Our main professional duty is to work to ensure that young people become individuals, providing them with a high-quality and decent education. “Education given from childhood can be compared to planting young trees. We must guide and show the correct path for young people striving to create their own family, to lay a solid foundation for a big father's house, ”Ibrai Altynsarin said. And in the future, I will do everything to contribute to the education of self-exactingness in young people, the desire to grow and develop, ”said Gulnur Gazizovna, deputy director for educational work of the Faculty of Information Technologies.

“Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, this year it has become difficult for the entire team to hold events in the planned format. Nevertheless, all cultural events such as "Best Advisor", "Best Student Group", "1st Year Talents", "Student Spring", the "Men Zhastarga Senemin" forum were held in full accordance with the plan, for which we received today a letter of gratitude ”, - said curator-adviser Gulmira Utemisova.

Let the work of curators-advisers and teachers who contribute to the development of the spiritual, creative abilities of the younger generation, educating and forming competitive professionals, be always appreciated!