


Another event was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where they discussed topical issues related to vaccination against the COVID-19 virus. The online forum was attended by employees, students of the educational institution and parents.

Specialists of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare spoke about the epidemiological situation in the country, shared the results of work on consultation and informing the population regarding vaccination.

And about. Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Medicine Anar Daniyarova made a presentation, spoke about the importance and safety of vaccination. “Vaccination is a method of disease prevention and safe, effective saving of human life. Currently, there are vaccines that protect against at least 20 diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles and influenza. These vaccines save millions of lives every year, ”she said.

The specialist epidemiologist shared the latest information on the vaccination carried out in the country against the COVID-19 virus. She talked about safe vaccination, that temporary side effects, such as a slight increase in body temperature or pain in the hand after the vaccine was administered, are characteristic of any injection. There is no need to be afraid of this. Because, before issuing permission for the use of licensed vaccines, they go through several stages of clinical trials, they are carefully checked. Anar Baқtygereykyzy, answering the questions of parents worried about the health of their children, explained where and how to get vaccinated.