


The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University celebrates "Abai Day" in an online format.

The holiday dedicated to the memory of the great poet and educator Abai Kunanbayev was introduced last year. Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized that “The words of Abai are the talisman of the Kazakh people. Abai's legacy is the most sacred heritage of the Kazakh people. Abai called for justice, knowledge, diligence and work, so that his compatriots did not lag behind others and develop.

The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, in his article "Abai - Ruhani Reformer" noted that every citizen of our country should be proud of Abay. “We are obliged to promote him as a spiritual reformer who had a huge impact on the revival of the national consciousness of the Kazakh people. Having entered the XXI century, we are again convinced that Abai's views correspond to the principles of humanism and do not lose their spiritual value for Kazakhstani society, its unity and prosperity. Abai with amazing insight defined the spiritual, cultural, moral image of the nation. This is his greatness. Abai's wise words of edification will remain the eternal moral support of the Kazakh people, holding together many generations in search of a national code as the basis for the development of the nation, ”the President of Kazakhstan noted in his article.

Al-Farabi KazNU has prepared a program for the Day of Abai within the framework of which a number of events will be held: a republican scientific online conference on the significance of Abai's creative heritage, a competition of the publishing house "Kazakh University", a musical challenge on national instruments for the song "Kazimnin Karasy", a creative evening "Adamzattyk Abayy", photo-exhibition. The faculties will host curatorial hours and round tables. Also, a video dedicated to the poet educator and a video for the song "Kuzimnin Karasy" will be presented. Due to the pandemic, all events are held online.

According to the organizers, through the brilliant works and words of Abai, the ideas, thoughts and philosophical views of the great poet, which call for compassion, truth, justice, love and high morality, will be transmitted to today's society. By instilling these qualities, human self-awareness will develop and move to a new level of development. It should be noted that the Abai Institute, which was established in 2009, is successfully operating in KazNU.

Congratulations on the holiday - Abai Day!