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9/6/2021The period of Kazakhstan's sovereignty and its development as a democratic social state coincided with a revision of values that are undergoing changes along with other components of society. Globalization, liberalization and democratization as factors of life in modern Kazakhstan contribute to the formation of a new spiritual and moral atmosphere of society, which requires synchronous changes not only in the economic, social and political spheres, but also in the field of personal development. Understanding modern processes and their further monitoring today is impossible without recreating a holistic picture of personality development, its moral and spiritual development and improvement, studying its origins and characteristics.
The article of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev "Independence Above All", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, is permeated with the idea of forming a highly moral citizen of the country who is in a constant process of personal development and improvement, who would feel comfortable in his country, as an economic one, from a political and social point of view.
For three decades, independent Kazakhstan has been developing in a certain strategy. According to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the first decade can be called a period when the foundation of a new Kazakhstan was laid. The second decade, the President notes, has become a period of strengthening statehood, increasing the potential of the country's economy. And finally, in the third decade, along with political and economic reforms, special importance began to be attached to the spiritual revival of a person, a citizen of his country. This basic idea, - the President of the country subtly notes, - the moral and spiritual rebirth of a person with new values and guidelines is fundamental at the head of each of these periods.
It would seem that now, in the age of digitalization, many processes take place without the intervention of the human factor, but we can observe how actively, in parallel with digitalization, there is a rapid pace - self-development, self-improvement, when a person tries to juggle all areas of his life, while keeping everything in balance. In this regard, today there are global changes in culture, especially in value issues and value orientations. As a result, the concepts and views on the involvement of the younger generation in the achievement of human civilization are becoming more and more predominantly humanistically oriented. If earlier in educational institutions we could observe a picture of how they are trying to group everyone and bring everyone to a single level of worldview, now there is a bias towards - individual perception.
This allows us to comprehend a person as a unique natural phenomenon, to recognize the priority of his subjectivity. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to rethink the influence of a person on his life, his right and responsibility for the disclosure of his abilities and creative potential, to understand the relationship between the inner freedom of choice of a person in self-development and self-realization. In this regard, those sciences, in the center of attention of which is a person, are of great importance and special relevance. sciences related to human studies. One of these modern sciences is psychology, which, at the end of the 9th century, the famous American psychiatrist Abraham Kardiner called the science of the 21st century. And, indeed, these prophetic words were proof that the world today needs a science about man and for man.
The world is changing, the world must change and the world must be understood. And in the same way, the changed human psychology must be investigated and understood in the new conditions of the changed world. Coming to any modern organization, we will not hear such phrases as - productivity, motivation, income, advertising. We will hear - specialists, people, professionals, clients, corporate ethics. From this, one can draw conclusions about the importance of a person in this stream of life.
And from here the main conclusion arises - psychology, as a modern science, in the center of attention of which is a person, must study and discover new psychological laws for his further personal and social development. This is its main task. This is the specificity of psychology as a science, which is inexhaustible and changeable, just as the very essence of man is inexhaustible and changeable. This provision determines all the problems, trends and prospects of the development of psychology at the beginning of the XXI century.
Of course, representatives of the new modern generation of psychologists, who have formed in completely different scientific, social, value paradigms characteristic of the 21st century, must tackle the solution of these most difficult problems. It is they who will have to answer the global questions of psychology that were posed back in the Y century BC by ancient philosophers and which, unfortunately, have not yet been resolved. A great contribution to the solution of all these problems posed by psychology to the modern generation of scientists is made by the teaching staff of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the KazNU Al-Farabi. A new generation of psychologists, scrupulously studying the works of Plato, Democritus and Aristotle, the heritage of the entire world culture, religions, myths from new positions and new views of the modern world, improved psychology of the XXI century, must finally answer the main question of modern psychology - what is the soul, exists Is it as a separate phenomenon, if it exists, then how does it develop, in parallel with the psyche and consciousness? The latest research of the famous psychophysiologist, who has been studying the brain and neural connections of N. Bekhtereva, the founder of the transpersonal direction in psychology, Stanislav Grof, has set new research paradigms in terms of the study of the soul throughout her adult life. And, if representatives of the new generation of psychologists manage to solve this global issue of our time, solved since antiquity, then psychology will sparkle with new facets. And in the center of this science will be a man with his own inner world and his own characteristics, but already studied in the context of the concept of “soul”.
For the first time, the department of psychology and logic was opened in 1947 at the philological faculty of the university in accordance with the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of 1946 on the compulsory teaching of logic and psychology in all schools of the Soviet Union. The head of the department at that time, academician T.T. Tazhibaev, being the rector of the university, did a lot not only for its formation, but also for the training of national personnel in psychology in general. His short, but very bright life was the torch that lit the world of psychology for many generations of Kazakhstanis. In 1980, the Department of Psychology became an independent university-wide department, which consisted of only 7 people. In 1988, with the opening of the Department of Psychology on the basis of the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics, the republic for the first time began training specialists with basic psychological education, who later became an invaluable intellectual elite of Kazakhstani psychological science. In 1991, for the first time in the history of Kazakh psychology, the Kazakh branch was opened, which since its foundation has become a bright symbol of national education and science, making a huge contribution to the development of the country's psychological science.
In recent years, the department has been headed by Doctor of Psychology, Professor Z.B. Madalieva, successfully realizing her scientific and creative potential as a scientist capable of conducting scientific research, as a highly qualified teacher, but at the same time she is a practicing psychologist specializing in art therapy, cognitive-behavioral approach in psychology, etc. Today 9 doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of sciences, 3 doctors of PhD are successfully working at the department, pedagogical work, whose research activities are a strong impetus for the further development of the psychological science of sovereign and independent Kazakhstan.
Members of the department are actively involved in research work, annually participating in grant projects. In particular, only in recent years the following projects have been completed - "Synergistic foundations and eutagogy for personal self-development and the development of spiritual and moral qualities", Psychophysiological study of diagnosis and correction of depression ", International project -" Study of the ethnic identity of Koreans (Kore-Saram) living in the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.
This year, members of the department won three more projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Ministry of Education and other state bodies appreciate all the achievements of the members of the department. This is evidenced by the awarding of members of the department with government medals and orders. Professor SK Berdibaeva and Associate Professor KE Basybekova were awarded the Ormet orders for labor achievements and civic stance. O.Kh. Aimaganbetova - "Honorary Worker of Education", SK Kudayberenova - "Excellent Worker in Health Care", N. Tlenchieva - "Excellent Worker in Education", associate professor MP Kabakova was awarded the medal "For Labor Distinction", etc.
Based on the mission of the department - practice-oriented training of competitive specialists in psychologists through the creation of conditions for the implementation of individual trajectories of professional development of participants in the educational process, today training is carried out in 6 specialties, double-diploma programs are being implemented with a leading Russian university (Ural Federal University named after B. Yeltsin), joint training programs with leading foreign universities in Russia, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany. Education in the magistracy, doctoral studies is carried out in three languages.
Thus, the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi makes his contribution to the development of independent Kazakhstan. Therefore, the remarkable date of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence is associated with the 30-year formation and development of an independent Kazakh psychological science, the focus of which is the Man of the XXI century, undergoing changes in a changed world.
Professor of the Department of General
and applied psychology
Prepared by K. Turezhanov