


Today, the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with a prominent state and public figure, diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dulat Kuanyshev, who visited the university in the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence, to deliver a leadership lecture.

The head of the educational institution thanked the distinguished guest, who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of sovereign Kazakhstan, for the informative lecture. Emphasizing that the program "30 weeks to the 30th anniversary of independence" at the university has become an effective platform for teachers and students, the rector highlighted the merits of those who witness the first steps of the young state and are at the center of events.

The diplomat, in turn, expressed deep respect for the university, which actively implements educational and research projects. He dwelled on the importance of the initiatives that are being implemented today for young people.


The lecture on leadership covered the topics of the state's achievements in the field of international relations and foreign policy ties during the years of independence.


Opening the event, and. O. Vice-rector for social development of KazNU Aliya Masalimova introduced the lecturer to the audience, telling the students that he worked as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to different countries: France, Austria, India, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Israel. Being at the forefront of domestic diplomacy, Dulat Kuanyshev took part in the formation of the foreign policy of our republic.

In his speech, Dulat Orazbekovich focused on the modern foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its peacekeeping role in the world community. Thanks to the current decisions taken during the years of independence, the country has formed its own individual way of preserving peace, strengthening internal unity, and respect for the global community. At the initiative of the Head of State, having become a leader in strengthening nuclear security, our country was able to effectively use this status on the world stage. He also spoke in detail about other initiatives of our country in the international community, about various difficulties of the transition period, and also emphasized the relevance of the dialogue of traditions and innovations, national identity and new knowledge in promoting the state.

During the lecture, students asked various questions related to the activities of Kazakhstan in authoritative international organizations and the specifics of the profession of a diplomat.




Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU