


Today, within the framework of the program "30 weeks to the 30th anniversary" at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, an outstanding statesman, diplomat Kanat Saudabayev delivered a leadership lecture on the topic "30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and achievements in foreign policy."

Opening the event, the head of the educational institution Zhanseit Tuymebayev thanked the distinguished guest for agreeing to give a lecture within the walls of the alma mater. “The 30th anniversary of sovereignty is a landmark event for every state, including us. Today's student youth was born during the years of independence, so it is very important to talk about independence, to transmit and promote historical values ​​on the way of its formation, "the rector noted, emphasizing the importance of the ideological, educational and cognitive significance of the lectures of individuals who contributed to the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan. which are held at the university.

He also noted the path of diplomat Kanat Bekmyrzauly, who is a direct witness to the fateful events of the first years of independence and made an invaluable contribution to strengthening the state.

In turn, the diplomat recalled that he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi and drew attention to the importance of the meeting on the eve of the Independence Day. The speaker stressed that each generation strives to write history in a new way: “For a young state, 30 years is an important period, but for history this is one moment. However, judging by the cardinal and profound transformations that took place thanks to the strategic foresight of the First President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the creative power of our people, these 30 years are, in fact, equal to an era. " He spoke about the fateful events in the history of the country, starting from the first days of independence, which still remain in the memory and consciousness of the people. He stressed that Kazakhstan is one of the few countries in the post-Soviet space that has managed to survive a difficult time under the leadership of Elbasy and carry out fundamental structural transformations.

Further, the lecturer dwelled on the unprecedented role of Elbasy's initiatives in the fate of the country, citing vivid examples of his leadership and moral qualities, heroic decisions. First, he noted that, having closed the Semipalatinsk test site and renouncing nuclear weapons, Kazakhstan, as a peace-loving country, communicated on equal terms with the leading states of the world. Today, world experts recognize that Kazakhstan's achievements in the world community are associated with the personality of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Addressing young people, Kanat Saudabayev called for developing leadership qualities, dedication, being the best in their profession and continuously improving in order to take a worthy place in this rapidly changing world.

During the discussion, the meeting participants asked questions about the role and positions of Kazakhstan in the world community, shared their views. At the end of the event, the rector Zhanseit Tuymebayev presented the guest with the "Gold medal of Al-Farabi KazNU for contribution to the development of science and education" and the book "Al-Farabi". The rector noted the merits of the outstanding statesman, diplomat Kanat Saudabayev with the academic title "Honorary Professor of the University" and expressed the wish that the cycle of author's lectures at the leading university of the country would be continued.


Press service of KazNU named after Al-Farabi