


Trade union of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi took part in the XXXIII Congress of the Eurasian Association of Trade Union Organizations of Higher Educational Institutions, held in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala.

The meeting was devoted to the role of the university trade union organizations in the implementation of legal regulation of labor relations and improving the social security of the team in a pandemic. It was attended by: heads of trade union organizations of universities - members of the EAEU 44 universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Moldova, the leadership of branch trade unions of workers in education and science, as well as representatives of the highest executive and legislative authorities.

The congress discussed changes in the learning environment during a pandemic, student training, the existing experience of interaction between trade union committees and the university administration, new approaches to remuneration and social protection of employees and university students.

Bakdaulet Baimakhanuly presented to the attention of the participants a special reportage "How has the process of development of trade unions changed during the pandemic?" In his report, the speaker presented the current pace of trade union work, sharing the experience of the university.

Participation in the international conference will become an important event in the life of the trade union of students and undergraduates of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi "Sunkar", inspiring young people to new, ambitious projects and initiatives.