


The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international symposium "Science, Education, Innovation: World Trends and Regional Aspects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Kazakh scientist, organizer of science and higher education, academician Edil Ergozhin.

The ceremonial part began with cutting the red ribbon of the meeting room of the Academic Council named after Professor, Honored Inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Edil Ergozhin in the building of the educational building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi KazNU.

Opening the event, the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuymebaev noted the importance of today's symposium and dwelled on the achievements of Edil Ergozhin.

“Academician Edil Ergozhin is a graduate of the chemistry department of our university. His scientific activity began in his student years, when he began scientific research in the laboratory of ion exchange resins. Edil Ergozhaevich's scientific undertakings were fully supported by the former dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Batyrbek Birimzhanov and academician Sagid Rafikov. The teachers were able to see the leadership and organizational skills of Edil Ergozhin, who achieved significant success in scientific activity. At the age of 27, he became the head of the laboratory of ion-exchange resins, at the age of 33 - a doctor of sciences, at the age of 42 he was elected a corresponding member, at the age of 48 - a member of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR. Today, thousands of his students are developing national science and working for the future of the country, ”stressed the rector of the university.

During the event, the presentation of the book "EDIL ERGOZHIN", published in KazNU in the series "Kibratty Umyr", took place.

Further, the work of the symposium continued with plenary sessions, where international experts discussed current topics.

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU