


At the invitation of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev, KazNU was visited by the state and political figure Gulzhan Karagusova. Doctor of Economics, professor in front of the audience gave a leadership lecture on the topic "The economy of Kazakhstan over the years of independence." Gulzhan Zhanpeisovna Karagusova is a graduate of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (KazNU Mieni Al-Farabi). After graduating from the university, she stayed to work at the university, going through a professional path from a teaching assistant to a professor at the Department of "Fundamentals of Economic Theory" of KazSU.

Gulzhan Karagusova held important government posts as chairman of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Securities, chairman of the committee on finance and budget, minister of labor and social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was repeatedly elected to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IV, V, VI convocations). Author of the books: "Public Consumption Funds" (1983), "New Forms of Competition in the System of the Economic Mechanism" (1984), "Living Creativity of the Masses" (1985), "Competition and Perestroika" (1988), "Taxes: the Essence and Practice of Use "(1994)," Problems of combating economic crime in Kazakhstan "(1996)," What you need to know about securities "(1996). The merits of Gulzhan Karagusova were awarded the orders "Barys" II degree, "Commonwealth" and "Parasat", government medals "Astana", "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of Astana", "20 years Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan ". After the event, timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Fatima Zhakypova presented Gulzhan Zhanpeisovna with the "Gold medal of Al-Farabi KazNU for contribution to the development of science and education."

“Honorary Professor” of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Gulzhan Zhanpeisovna in her welcoming speech to those gathered in the conference hall of the administration building, noted that this was not a lecture, but a meeting with former colleagues and students. She said that she was always glad to visit the walls of her native alma mater, she remembered her student days, wonderful teachers and years of work at KazNU, who gave her experience, knowledge, instilled a sense of high responsibility and the desire to do everything “perfectly”. In a lively, fascinating form, the lecturer told about the difficult years of post-Soviet devastation in the country, when the country was literally created bit by bit, the legislative framework was developed, reforms were introduced, and it was necessary to restore the economy. These were the years of the formation of a young independent state.

“At that time, our budget was considered sometimes for three days,” Gulzhan Zhanpeisovna told the story of those years. - Then it came to "hand-to-hand". As ministers, we each time went out as on the battlefield. Each deputy considered it his duty to “bite” the minister so that he would defend every tenge. There was no money. It was a very difficult time. It is now the ministers who put money into the budget, but they do not prove it, they just take the money. The budget is approved in 15 minutes. This is the lack of budget analysis. For many, the most important thing is to master the pledged money.

When I became chairman of the Securities Commission, the foundations of budget planning were laid. We have visited all areas. We realized that individuals should be the main investors. It was in that short period when corporatization was going through the stock exchanges that we considered all the technical plans that gave the right to corporatisation to enterprises. This enabled many enterprises to survive and develop further, not to lose their specialists and employees. But this, too, did not suit everyone, in order to enter the stock exchange it was necessary to show everything, and this was not profitable for many another policy appeared here - the “policy of blue chips”. Sorry, what are the blue chips in '97? Investors came to the oil sector, but they were foreign investors. They did not think about any internal market. It was nonsense for them.

In this difficult time, President Nursultan Abishevich offered me the post of Minister of Labor and Social Protection. It was very difficult to work at that time, 24 hours a day, especially to travel the whole country ... Then, proceeding from the fact that there was no money, they raised only the minimum pension, the maximum ceiling was 25 MCI. Then we began to develop a program until 2025. She is still working. First of all, we recalculated the pension in the field of the industry with which the person retired. Those who received increases were silent and began to write a letter of thanks to the President. It was then that we pledged the basic pension, with such difficulty we defended Mr. Uraz Zhandosov.


My big problems at that time were to eliminate MCI and BDO. MCI was taken without me, and BDO was taken when I was on vacation. We planned that the pension should be 75% of the subsistence minimum and it should also be tied to the length of service of a person who worked for at least 5 years than did not work at all. The budget for the period when I came to the post and when I left increased 15 times. Our 3-tier system has been recognized as the best by international organizations. All the CIS republics supported us, and the Russians only did what we did. At that time, we laid down in the budget and in the law that the pension should be indexed. That is, the cost of living has increased, please increase the benefits. Our three-tier system still works and I'm proud of that. Everything that we now have on social payments to children, starting from the moment of birth, and all other payments, this was not even in the Soviet Union, and it was not available anywhere, all this was first delivered in Kazakhstan. At the time when I started working in the pension system, to put it mildly, everything was not very good. We have recalculated for the professional area.

In a post-crisis period, it is very important to support small and medium-sized businesses. These areas have been hit hardest. We must also try to retain qualified engineers and technical specialists, the shortage of which negatively affects the development of the economy. And, of course, everything must be done so that the level and quality of life of Kazakhstanis does not decrease, which will inevitably entail the loss of moral values, and this is again any society.

But with creditors it is different. My opinion - he took it himself, be kind, pay off. Otherwise it turns out that they live not at the expense of the state, but at the expense of you and me. It is unacceptable. USA, where debts and loans have not been forgiven to anyone since 2007. Nobody cares about the loan. There, these issues are not even considered by the court. They will take away everything that you have, how you will live, what to live on, no one cares. Some work and pay taxes, while others ... We know how many times the state has allocated money to cover credit debt. By doing this, the state ruins society. Why does someone not take a loan, but someone has to pay for them? In this regard, financial law should be considered basic. I have the same attitude to taxes. A person took the money, he must return it, but it is better not to borrow, if you put off a small salary at 10 tenge, it will accumulate.

My own point of view is that a state without ideology is not a state. We were taught that any state is like a three-layer cake: base, biscuit, this is the economy, it is objective. Ideology is what the state develops for, what it wants to achieve. And politics between them is like a layer. A competent politician must "force" the objective laws of the economy to work on the ideological guidelines of the state. Youth needs ideology. It has always been a shame for Kazakhs to hand over their parents to a nursing home. At this time, shelters and nursing homes began to grow. Their pensions were taken away by their children. Then I said, “Let's not fully support this case. This is scary". Therefore, children need to be given the correct upbringing, to give them certain cores that enable us to remain human. Train them to work.

Now we are fighting so that people do not cease to be people. You've read the latest advances in genetics - to produce purely technical people. And you don't have to give birth. The world is moving towards this. Who began to corrupt family values? This happened to us when capitalism came. Capitalism needs free workers. Currently, 3 million people do not work in the United States due to benefits. But they have a different system. They don't work in the fourth generation. Clinton tried to remove these benefits, failed. When a person does not work, his ideology is money. The great Marx said that capitalism would destroy stagnant unemployment. Now everything is being done so that a person has no attachment, so that a person has nothing to lose, nothing to hold on to. And unas should be at the head - the education of young people, to educate the patriots of the motherland, who in the future adequately ensured the development of the country.

KazNU has always been at the forefront of this process, being a forge of personnel, providing all areas of activity with qualified specialists who made the glory of the country and the university. What does political economy education give? It empowers you to be analysts. As economists, you must have the strongest strategic analysis. Ability to think critically, process a huge amount of information, analyze in order to assess and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the economy, take into account mistakes and do everything so that, taking into account experience, do not commit them in the future. Specialists with a command of strategic analysis are a national treasure! Political economy is an all-encompassing area in which you need to stay 24 hours a day in order to always be “on the front line”, keep abreast of all the news, be able to analyze, foresee and plan. All the more so now.