


In honor of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republican scientific-practical conference "Information processes in Kazakhstan: impulse of independence" was held at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in the framework of the II readings of Zhumabek Kenzhalin. Famous writers, journalists, scientists, public figures and students took part in the conference.

The conference was organized by the Chair of UNESCO, International Journalism and Media in Society of the Faculty of Journalism in cooperation with Kazakh Gazetteeri LLP.

At the beginning of the event, the participants were shown a film that recreated in their memory the bright image of an outstanding journalist-writer.

A letter from Majilis deputy Berik Abdygaliuly addressed to the conference participants was read: “The scientific and pedagogical heritage of Zhumabek Omarula, who had a deep mind and fortitude, who made a huge contribution to the development of domestic media, serves as a shining example for young writers. For many years, along with leadership in a number of republican publications, he taught at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, and as a political scientist laid the foundations of the theory and practice of information management ”.

Advisor to the Akim of Almaty Mamai Akhet noted that Zhumabek Kenzhalin in the first years of independence, being a member of the commission on onomastics in Almaty, took an active part in the revival of the names of outstanding personalities of our people.

The chief editor of the "Akikat" magazine Daurzhan Tolebay spoke about the great achievements of the media leader in the development of journalism. The chief editor of the information and analytical sports website, the scientist's son Dastan Kenzhalin, cordially thanked for the high assessment of his father's contribution to Kazakhstani journalism and noted that this event, as a noble cause, will remain in the memory of the younger generation.

The participants also recalled bright and significant moments in the life, creativity and social activities of the famous scientist, media manager, writer and publicist Zhumabek Kenzhalin, who was one of the media leaders who determined the path of development of the national information space at the dawn of independence.

A unique personality with a creative biography has become an example of faithful service to the people. As a member of the board of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, editor-in-chief of literary publications, he outlined the tasks of literature - to educate people in morality, kindness and purity of thought, to inspire the creative community for noble goals and deeds. His works are based on high morality, civic duty and spiritual values. The master of the pen understood the special role of the media in shaping the culture, nobility, and patriotism of the younger generation, strengthening unity and peace in the country.

In his publicistic works on key issues of the national press, he deeply, eloquently and professionally revealed the topical issues of journalism.

Kenzhaly readings will become an annual tradition of the university in memory of the talented graduate Zhumabek Omarula, who left a rich legacy in the world of journalism, literature and science, being a vivid example of purity and nobility for the younger generation.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU