


The Data Science educational program is one of the most popular, in-demand, and cutting-edge programs in the field of data science. Since this academic year, the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has begun training specialists for this innovative educational program.

If earlier a person could process data manually, now their amount is so large that artificial intelligence is required for processing. Therefore, science actively interacts with machine learning, mathematics, statistics and data analysis. The program helps students to work skillfully and critically with big data.

“As part of the program, we offer students a set of competencies in system programming in modern algorithmic languages, mathematical and financial statistics, business data analysis, machine learning, network processing and visualization of financial data. This gives our prospective graduates a competitive edge in the Data Science field. As a result, they are rapidly developing compared to traditional IT specialists and can work in large companies as a data scientist, data engineer, data business analyst, artificial intelligence specialist, system administrator, ”commented Madina Mansurova, head of the department.

The unique structure and content of the educational program was developed jointly with the specialists of the People's Bank, taking into account the experience of world universities such as Berkeley, Massachusetts, Cambridge and Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Graduates undergo internships in banks and carry out case assignments for financial companies. This will allow students to become qualified specialists in the field of digital technologies in financial business, cash flow telecommunications and receive in-depth IT education in the new science of Data Science.

As part of the national digitization project, the country needs at least 100 thousand highly qualified IT specialists. This was stated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021. In addition, the head of state noted the need to create modern data processing centers. By training IT specialists, the leading university aims to contribute to the development of deep digitalization in the country.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU