


I believed in my country!

Everyone knows that a peaceful rally began in the city of Aktau, about lowering gas prices, and then for household food products. Taking the initiative, the peaceful people of the city of Almaty decided to support the Aktau people. But, despite the initial idea of ​​the rally, the people succumbed to provocations, which led to tragic events.

At first it seemed that everything was under control, and the people were simply demonstrating their discontent. Then it became clear that there were provocateurs. They began to have a very strong psychological impact on the population, especially on poorly educated people. And in the end, it was they who served as a "shield" for well-trained militants, whom we already call terrorists without any doubt.

President K-Zh. K. Tokayev was forced to turn to the CSTO for help, but foreign media regarded this decision as a recognition of the weakness of the military structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I am convinced that they are mistaken. A lot has happened in these days, and remembering everything makes my heart ache. But these events, including peaceful rallies, bore fruit and showed the people "who is who."

The arrest of K. Massimov at times raised the authority of our President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev in the eyes of the people. 01/11/2022, at 11:15 a.m., the Head of State took part in a conference call session in the Mazhilis of the Parliament, where he delivered a big speech, in which he set specific tasks to solve pressing problems of the political and socio-economic spheres. The speech of the President made a very strong impression on many. Most of the people really began to believe in their leader, and I'm sure the rest will be convinced by the results of the work of the new government in the name of the prosperity of Kazakhstan! I finally believe in my country, in its leader - the President! Alga, Kazakhstan!



1st year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Information Technology, specialty "system engineering"



"Almaty tragedy"

On the morning of January 5, I and other family members were going to work, but they wrote to me in a work chat that a state of emergency had been declared in Almaty, so I had to stay at home. We watched the peaceful rallies in the West Kazakhstan region on the news, and also listened to the speech of President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev on January 4, 2022, in which he informed the demonstrators that their demands were heard and would be met.

But the rally found a continuation in our city of Almaty. From the night of January 4, shots were heard, on the news we watched how the akimat was attacked, that riots broke out and everything that was near the new square began to be destroyed. It was clear to the naked eye that peaceful protesters, residents of the city of Almaty, would not under any circumstances destroy their city.

Further on the news showed that the militants began to seize the airport, TV towers and the Presidential residence. At that moment, my family and I were very scared, we understood that some kind of terrorist attack was taking place. At such moments, we all hoped only for our law enforcement agencies and the police that they would be able to protect us. The situation only escalated, we watched with horror as shops and banks were smashed, as shop windows were smashed along the central streets. A video circulated on the Internet, where one of the marauders demolished a ForteBank branch with a special vehicle (for cleaning snow), and it seemed we were watching an action movie on TV. But, unfortunately, all this happened in our city, outside the windows.

Today, a week after everything that happened, it becomes clear that we survived the terrorist attack in Almaty, and there was an attempt to seize power by militants. The President called for the help of the CSTO and was able to stop the terrorist attack and free the occupied buildings. It is unfortunate that children, civilians and police officers died. We will all remember these days as the "Almaty tragedy", I and my whole family express our condolences to the families of the victims.



3rd year doctoral student specializing in "systems engineering"


Strength in Unity


Who would have thought that after family gatherings in honor of the New Year, such events would begin. What started as a peaceful rally turned into a tragedy for the people of Kazakhstan. Looting, violence, pogroms and killings of innocent children. This is a portrait of Kazakhstan in early January. I express my deep gratitude to the military, law enforcement and health officials. Also, I would like to separately note and single out the cadets of the same age who were at the forefront and suffered heavy losses. The timely and tough measures taken by the Head of State had a positive effect on the situation in the country. It is admirable how Kassym-Jomart Tokayev listened to all the demands that were expressed in a peaceful manner and made the appropriate decisions. All Tokayev's speeches these days were full of determination and patriotism. It is very pleasant to observe the solidarity of Kazakhstanis around the president and support for his decision! Sleepless nights spent in prayers and worries for relatives and the dead will never be erased from the memory of the people. #KushimizBirlikte


Amina Shaimerdenova,

International journalism, 3rd year



We kept calm


All these terrible days, we remained calm and tried to protect ourselves from false information, for which the President expressed gratitude to all the inhabitants of Kazakhstan. Today, we finally heard the very words that we have been waiting for so long from the President of our country, Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev. New reforms that will change our country and the era of the “new Kazakhstan” will begin, which we have longed to see since our independence. The President instructed the Government to take measures to stop the recycling fee and dispose of the recycling fee to ROP Operator LLP, because this should really be done by a state structure, and not a private company. Engage in the construction of the LRT and take measures to complete the work on the project. Announced a 5-year moratorium on raising the salaries of government members, akims and deputies. Tokayev also instructed to conduct an audit of Samruk-Kazyna and all structural divisions of the fund. Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich raised those factors of our life that so worried and inspired the “smell of corruption” in the country. We believe that in a few years our independent Kazakhstan will truly become a country from which there will be no thoughts of leaving quickly.



3rd year student of the faculty of journalism



I hope all will be ok


I could never imagine what I would see and hear about protest rallies in our city. Our house was far from the center, so we watched all the events where explosions, flashes of bright light, shots took place from afar. The only thing that was in our power was to pray for our country. It is sad that marauders and provocateurs turned a peaceful rally into an aggressive one. The events that took place made me think that we did not appreciate the peaceful sky above our heads. I have always believed in the kindness and decency of people, and there were hopes that there will always be Peace in our country ... In these tragic days it was very scary, because you realize that you will have to survive, not LIVE. I am not for the absence of any rallies, and I do not deny the fact that strength lies in unity. I believe that there should be a dialogue between the people and the authorities. A complete lack of dialogue leads to negative consequences. There are only 19 million of us and we must protect our young country from marauders, corrupt officials and build a correct and virtuous society. During these days, our president rekindled a note of hope in me. Because he gave clear instructions, and not the traditional one - "improve", "develop", "raise". A lot of good things have been said, but in the implementation phase, as a rule, there are always bottlenecks. But now the case is different. I think that after these events everyone will draw certain conclusions for themselves and I hope that everything will be fine.



1st year student of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management



I was born in the city of Almaty, and therefore the places where I spent my childhood and adolescence are especially dear to me. With special excitement, I perceived the terrible events that took place on the territory of Kazakhstan these days. And, like all my compatriots, he was very alarmed and worried, and the information blockade created bewilderment and even fear.

We can definitely say that after these tragic events we woke up with completely different people, with a new understanding of modern life, we took a fresh look at our lives. I am very glad that everything is over, that the situation is now normalizing, that life is gradually returning to its former course.

With great attention I listened to the speech of the President of Kazakhstan K.-Zh.Tokayev at the meeting of the Majilis. He touched upon various aspects of political, economic, social and personnel reforms in Kazakhstan.

Particularly relevant for me was the part of the speech in which the Head of State spoke about the cultural and educational component of the development of our state, increasing access to quality education.

“To build a new economy, it is important to increase the competitiveness of universities. Recently, branches of leading foreign universities began to open in Kazakhstan. I consider it necessary to open at least 5 branches of reputable foreign universities in our country by 2025,” the President noted. I support this direction because I believe that quality education is a reliable foundation for staffing the state bodies of the country.

The profession of a lawyer is complex and difficult, but respected, authoritative and interesting. And, as you know, there are not many universities in the country that teach legal specialties, and not only in our country, but also abroad. I would very much like to continue my studies in a master's program in one of these branches after graduation.


Sabetbekov Nurmukhamed,

1st year student of the Faculty of Law of KazNU named after Al-Farabi



Having listened to the speech of our President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev today, I would like to highlight the following:

Tokayev instructed the government to determine the range of companies and agree with them on the amount of annual contributions to the fund, which the country's authorities decided to create at the beginning of the year. According to him, he also expects the participation of those who, "in fact, possessing huge funds, are in the shadows."

This is a fund for the People of Kazakhstan. As Tokayev explained, the fund will not function under the administration or the government, but an authoritative supervisory board will be created, and an honest, responsible leader will be appointed. I consider this decision to be wise and far-sighted, which should significantly increase the social responsibility of business.

In addition, the Head of State announced a five-year moratorium on increasing the salaries of government members, heads of regions and deputies, but at the same time instructed to adopt a program to increase the income of the population within two months, as well as pay special attention to unemployment and youth employment. And it also inspires hope that in our country there will not be such a strong social stratification of society, which entails tension.

In conclusion, I want to say that everything depends on us, so we must support the President in such a difficult period for our country. “Hard times produce strong people. Strong people make good times."

Gulbaar Aliyeva, 2nd year student,

210 group, Faculty of Law of the University of KazNU named after Al-Farabi