


At the next meeting of the Academic Council, the preliminary results of the meeting of the expert-analytical group and the concept of the youth policy of the university were discussed. At the initiative of the Chairman of the Board - Rector Zhanseit Tuymebaev, an expert-analytical group was promptly created in the leading university of the country, in the first days after the January events, in order to develop comprehensive solutions and recommendations for the country's way out of the crisis.

“The events of this month have been called “Bloody January” in history. Protest rallies, riots in a number of cities, an attempted coup - all this together in a matter of days changed the usual course of our lives, - noted in her speech. Vice-Rector for Social Development Aliya Masalimova. - We, the citizens of Kazakhstan, have witnessed social, political, value breaks in society. In this difficult situation KazNU. Al-Farabi, as a social institution in which a powerful intellectual potential is concentrated, presented his so-called "academic response" to critical challenges.

The expert groups included authoritative scientists, academicians, professors, associate professors of the university. In total, from January 6 to 9, about 49 publications were published in print and electronic media. Subsequently, the circle of speakers began to expand, research institutes and structures of the country's leading university joined in.

The main tasks of the expert group are to analyze and monitor, develop specific proposals and recommendations to state structures, bodies and special services at various levels. Comprehensive, systematic work has begun to identify the causes and factors of the events that have occurred. In order to prevent negative consequences in the future, political, sociological, psychological studies, focus groups, expert assessments and surveys and other activities are carried out.

Expert and analytical work is carried out in 29 areas: medicine and healthcare, public administration system, mathematical models, analysis of analogues at the international level, the international image of Kazakhstan, labor protests in monotowns of Kazakhstan, crisis / anti-crisis communication, etc.

During the discussion of the speaker's speech, the head of the university expressed a wish to intensify the work of expert groups with an emphasis on specific solutions and proposals. “At my instruction, expert groups have been created, which are now working to study the problems of the geopolitical situation, political culture, economy, legal system, political technologies, cybersecurity, social and religious spheres, ethnopolitics and other areas. In this regard, we need to work actively and develop concrete proposals for the transformation of society. Every week I will listen to reports on the work of expert groups. It is necessary to create conditions for scientists to work deeply on these topical topics, and the results should be transformed into master's and doctoral studies.”

Further performance and.about. vice-rector for social development Aliya Masalimova was devoted to the concept of youth policy of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The main directions of the university development program were considered, as well as the goals and objectives of the youth policy, the main of which is the creation of conditions conducive to the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of the university youth, increasing its competitiveness and enhancing the social activities of young people. The speaker also described the work of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the University.

On measures to increase the investment attractiveness of the results of scientific research and the development of technology transfer and commercialization, he reported at the meeting. Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities Khaidar Tasibekov. In his report, the speaker paid great attention to promising areas for the commercialization of R&D results, as well as systemic problems, suggesting ways to solve them.



Press service of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi