


At an expanded meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yeraly Tugzhanov, topical issues, the results of work in the field of education and science for 2021 and tasks for 2022 were discussed.

The meeting was moderated by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov. Representatives of the ministry, heads of higher and secondary educational institutions, scientists, teachers and educators of Kazakhstan took part in the meeting.

The report “On the main results of 2021 and upcoming tasks for 2022 in the field of higher education and science” was presented by the Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuanysh Yergaliyev. According to the speaker, there are currently 120 universities operating in the republic, of which 44 are state, 15 non-civil, and 61 private. The authoritative international ranking QS World University Rankings includes 14 universities, The world university rankings - 3 universities. Compared to 2018, the number of students studying on grants has almost doubled (from 32 to 56 thousand).


As part of a large-scale process of transforming the management of universities, 28 state higher education institutions have been transferred to the status of NAO. Corporate governance has been introduced: a Board of Directors has been created in each university. The rector's staff has been updated by more than 50%. Universities are given financial independence. The salaries of the teaching staff have been increased, the teaching load has been halved.

In recent years, serious work has been done aimed at improving the quality of higher education. In particular, an open register of educational programs has been created, which includes 9371 EPs, including 284 innovative ones. Educational programs have been updated to reflect professional standards and the Atlas of New Jobs.

In 2021, funding for science has doubled. Scientists are provided with new opportunities for the implementation of scientific ideas. The material and technical renovation of research institutes continues. The national project "Technological breakthrough through digitalization, science and innovation" was developed and approved, as well as the Concept for the development of science for 2022-2026. In general, serious work has been done, which received a positive assessment from the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yeraly Tugzhanov.

Plans and tasks for the future were also announced at the meeting. Thus, a number of innovations are planned in the higher education system: the creation of the first online universities, the opening of branches of leading foreign universities, an increase in the number of grants by 5,000, and a reorientation of the Bolashak program.

“According to the instruction of the Head of State, the emphasis will be placed on training personnel in technical areas. Grants for technical and IT areas will be increased from 40% to 60%. The issue of allocating grants for graduates of schools in the western regions is being worked out: Mangistau, Atyrau regions. In addition, the issue of providing educational grants to the children of military personnel, employees of law enforcement and special state bodies who died while performing tasks to protect public order will be worked out,” said Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuanysh Yergaliyev.

For the future, it is planned to implement a number of comprehensive measures to strengthen human resources, increase the competitiveness of the scientific ecosystem, the contribution of science to the development of the country, improve the administration of science, commercialize the results of scientific activities, etc.