


Mustafa Sani Shener, President and CEO of TAV Airports Holding, delivered a leadership lecture on science, technology and business at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Young scientists and teachers of the educational institution, students took part in it.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Board, Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuymebaev, emphasizing the importance and importance of the lecture on leadership for the education of the young generation of Kazakhstanis.

“The experience of leaders and experts who have achieved success in their field is an excellent example for young students, so we often hold such meetings. Our goal is to combine education, science and production,” said the head of the university, introducing the speaker to the achievements of the university.

Mustafa Şener received a bachelor's degree from Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey) with a degree in mechanical engineering, a master's degree from the University of Sussex (UK) with a degree in fluid mechanics. Since 1997, he has been a member of the Board of Directors, President and CEO of TAV Airports Holding. Prior to that, from 1979 to 1997, he was involved in various industrial infrastructure projects in Turkey and Europe.

Under the leadership of Mustafa Şener, the company has achieved high financial and operational performance, with offices in 7 countries around the world and managing 14 airports. Service companies of TAV Airports Holding daily serve 100 airports and air harbors in 28 countries of the world.

In his lecture, the scientist emphasized how important such qualities as perseverance and perseverance are on the path of scientific research. As a striking example, he cited Aristotle, who left a great mark on history and science. “Thanks to the legacy of the great thinkers Aristotle, Al-Farabi, Socrates, Plato and Einstein, science has reached such heights and continues to develop at a rapid pace,” the scientist emphasized. “And we are reaping its fruits, learning to live consciously and wisely in order to leave the wealth of the Earth to future generations.” According to the lecturer, today, in order to succeed, you need to devote a lot of time to personal growth, to keep up with the times. In order to develop leadership qualities and abilities, it is useful to use the limitless possibilities of neuroscience, based on the results of research on the capabilities of the brain. He encouraged young people to become true experts in their field.

At the end of the event, the listeners were able to ask their questions and share their opinion on what they heard during the discussion.

Recall that earlier within the walls of KazNU. Al-Farabi was lectured on leadership by ex-president of Turkey Abdullah Gul and statesmen: Kanat Saudabayev, Kanat Abuseitov, Dulat Kuanyshev, Gulzhan Karagusova and others.



Press service of KazNU named after Al-Farabi