


At the Department of Health Policy and Organization, the next tournament "Science Ring" was held on the topic: "Posthumous donation: pros and cons" among 1st year undergraduates in the specialty "Medicine (researcher)".

The theme of this tournament was not chosen by chance. Unfortunately, in a number of severe cases of chronic diseases at the stage of decompensation, organ transplantation is the only radical method of prolonging human life and restoring its quality. At the same time, it is not always possible to carry out transplantation from a living donor for a number of medical, social and other objective reasons. In such cases, an alternative may be a cadaver transplant, or the so-called transplant from the cadaver. The situation is complicated by the fact that the number of patients on the waiting list is growing every day, and there is a catastrophic shortage of donors. In this connection, the topic of posthumous donation today is relevant and debatable not only in medicine and healthcare, but in general, in modern society, since it is directly related to a number of legal, moral, ethical and religious issues. Therefore, the task of our tournament was to highlight this problem from various angles, while relying on scientific facts, legal acts and existing realities.

2 teams took part in the tournament: "Science" and "NovaVita". Team captains Omarova I. and Karimsakova A. presented their team members, slogans and logos. The tournament included 5 rounds, the last of which was the battle of captains, which involved the search for ways to solve this problem and offer their own ideas and alternatives. After each round, a gong sounded, and the jury, which included Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Kalmataeva Zh.A., PhD, Director of the Higher School of Public Health Daniyarova A.B. , Head of the Department of Health Policy and Organization Kapanova G.Zh. and Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization Maulenova B.N., evaluated the answers of undergraduates who represented their teams on checklists according to certain criteria.

It should be noted that during the tournament there was an interesting and lively discussion. At the end of the meeting, the jury summed up the results, each of the jury members, headed by the chairman - the dean of the faculty, MD, Professor Kalmataeva Zh.A. spoke, noted the strengths and weaknesses of the participants, expressed his wishes to the undergraduates. The jury noted that this topic in itself is limitless, and many new significant facts were presented by our participants. Dean of the Faculty Kalmataeva Zh.A. noted the interesting format of the tournament meeting, and the competent presentation by undergraduates of the most relevant scientific facts and statistical data. However, according to the results of the jury's evaluations, the NovaVita team won.

At the end of the scientific "battle" Deputy Head. Department of Health Policy and Organization for Research and Development and MS A.M. Balmukhanova thanked the jury and guests for their time and evaluation, the host of the tournament, the teacher of the Department of Health Policy and Organization M.A. Nurzhanov, and the participants themselves for their active participation and preparation, wished to continue to improve the skills of working with scientific literature, presentation skills, conducting a reasoned discussion and oratory.

All participants were presented with memorable gifts, and the team of winners - best-selling books from the genre of medical journalism, the authors of which are well-known practitioners. We are convinced that such a format of scientific discussion generates interest in the problem, is of an exploratory nature, because teams analyze information both from scientific journals and the one that appears in journalistic publications. This approach allows you to consolidate the skills of searching for evidence, reading literature from the position of critical thinking, systematization and interpretation of data. Thanks to our undergraduates for the good thorough preparation and competitive spirit that were noted during the "Science Ring".


Gulzhan Kapanova,

Head of the Department of PIO


A. Balmukhanova

Deputy Head of the Department of POH for Research and Development and MS