
KazNU celebrated the 90th anniversary of Professor Maya Bagizbaeva


International scientific and practical conference "XIII Bagizbayev readings", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the doctor of philological sciences, professor M.M. Bagizbayeva, was held in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


The scientific forum brought together prominent scientists - philologists, teachers, and doctoral students of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, who discussed the invaluable contribution to the development of the science of Professor Maya Bagizbaeva, as well as theoretical problems and applied aspects of modern philology.
In his report, Director of the Institute of Abay, Doctor of Philology, Professor Zhangara Dadebayev noted the unique approach of the outstanding scientist M. Bagizbayeva to the cultural heritage, literary monuments, and chronicles. "Her library was a collection of multi-volume chronicles, monuments of ancient literature. She kept everything from samples of Russian folklore to biographies and photographs of narrators in her laboratory, where she created a material, scientific, and information base. According to the results of the research work, carried out on the basis of the laboratory materials, she prepared several doctors of sciences, brought up a pleiad of candidates of sciences", - said the speaker.
Eleonora Suleimenova, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (KazRFL), member of the Presidium of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (IAPRFL), academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, in her report said about the value of M.M. Bagizbayeva's heritage for modern science. "It is important for us to maintain a sense of involvement in the history of our faculty and university, to comprehend the current problems and realities of Kazakh science, correlating them with the achievements of past years, - stressed the speaker. - Without reliance on humanistic traditions, experience, and achievements of the past decades, the effective work of the entire Philological science, which was so faithfully and devotedly served by Professor M.M. Bagizbaeva, is impossible".
Sincere respect to the teacher and mentor in his speech was expressed by the member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, doctor of philological sciences, and professor of Russian philology and world literature at Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi Aslan Zhaksylykov: "Maya Bagizbayeva was a teacher and mentor with a capital letter by her vocation. She was a person of exalted soul, kind, sympathetic, and attentive to colleagues, especially students. She raised us, undergraduate and graduate students, quite informally, leaving deep marks in her heart that drew her powerfully into science and creativity."
Doctor of Philology, professor of the department of Russian philology and world literature, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Alma Abdullina, especially emphasizing the qualities of a scientist, teacher, and mentor, said: "The main lessons of communicating with our supervisor are the aura of unfailing benevolence, the ability to organize, encouraging and inspiring. Immense gratitude to Maya Mikhailovna for her wise advising, scientific discussions, for encouraging in us, young people, courage and audacity to challenge the opinion of authorities, and what else, if not a breakthrough, to call the project "Folklore of Semirechye" and "Russian folklore in Kazakhstan".
At the plenary session with the reports also have acted: head of chair of Russian language and intercultural communication of faculty of humanitarian and social sciences of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, doctor of philological sciences, professor Vladimir Sinyachkin, member of Union of writers of RK, doctor of philological sciences, candidate of philological sciences, professor, head of the department of the world literature and the international communications of Institute of the literature and arts of National university RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Svetlana Ananjeva and others.
During the conference the following events were held: meetings of thematic sections, screening of Bakhyt Kayyrbekov's documentary "At the Turn of Epochs", presentation of the book "Synopsis" (E. Suleimenov, N. Shaimerdenova, D. Akanov, M. Aimagambetova) and opening of the laboratory "Sociolinguistics, Theory, and Practice of Translation".
Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University