


A forum for young scientists and students dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was attended by: Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev, representatives of the management and teaching staff of the University, doctoral students, undergraduates and students. Opening the forum, KazNU Rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted the special importance of the event on the eve of the Republic Day.


The event was attended by Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev, representatives of the management and teaching staff of the University, doctoral students, undergraduates and students. Opening the forum, KazNU Rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted the special importance of the event on the eve of the Republic Day.


“You are the future of our country, representatives of the young generation creating a new Kazakhstan. Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced that Kazakhstan is a country of talented youth, educated, knowledgeable in the subtleties of science and technology. We must do everything possible to open new horizons for you and expand the field of activity” - the head of the university stated.


KazNU employs more than 300 young scientists under the age of 40, many of whom have completed training and research internships at the leading universities all around the world. Scientific achievements of young researchers of KazNU have already received high recognition in Kazakhstan and abroad. Among them are 49 winners of the "Zhas Galym" project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The youth of the university actively participates in the implementation of research programs and projects as managers. In the current 2022 alone, about 60 projects worth more than 900 million KZT are being implemented within the framework of grant funding for young scientists. This testifies to the high scientific and innovative potential of our youth.


Lecturer of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, PhD candidate, performer of commercialization projects Eldar Nuruly in his report spoke about the experience of commercialization of the results of the project “Modernization of digital tourism content: mobile applications, panoramic 3D tours, interactive maps and QR codes”. “The mission of this project is to solve the problems of diversification of the country's economy and fragmentation of information about tourist destinations in Kazakhstan through the development of domestic tourism. We are implementing these issues using digital technologies, in particular, mobile applications, panoramic 3D virtual tours, generation of QR codes, interactive maps ” - the speaker highlighted.


Aigerim Mamirova, postdoctoral researcher of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, made a report on the topic “Young scientists: opportunities for growth and self-realization”. “The path to science for many great scientists began at a young age. Thus, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph at the age of 30, and Albert Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity, when he was 26. Kazakhstan's youth now have great opportunities such as the Zhas Galym and Erasmus Mundus programs, Bolashak and Abai Vern scholarships, etc. Young researchers are required to be persistent, actively participate in scientific conferences, strengthen their personal brand and other steps that will help achieve good results.”


The 4th-year student of the educational program “Public Relations” Aruzhan Kabdolova in her speech revealed the role of science in human life, which allows to increase the quality of life, control and improve health. And most importantly, it gives a new impetus to life. Focusing on how scientific achievements have changed the life of KazNU, which is becoming digital, Aruzhan claimed: “I want our youth, every young specialist, breathing new life into our present and future, to show creative interest in science and work in their field.”


Within the framework of the forum, the possibilities and prospects of self-realization of a new generation of researchers, as well as issues of commercialization of their scientific activities were discussed.


In conclusion, the rector instructed to create a Club of young scientists to discuss current problems in science in a free format, as well as to organize a fund and an exhibition of scientific achievements that will allow the introduction of scientific developments into production.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University