


One of the national projects is "Technological Breakthrough via Digitalization, Science and Innovation". At present any structural transformations should take into account the role of the post-industrial sector, the sphere of digital technologies and services in the economic development of the country. For the transition to the world community, any modern state needs to move to the post-industrial system and digital technologies.

Modern Kazakhstan is a dynamically developing state with a socially oriented market economy. The reform strategy chosen by the country's leadership is aimed at the production of competitive export-oriented products with high added value, the dynamic and balanced development of industry and the service sector, the diversification of its main industries on the basis of modernization, technical and technological renewal of production capacities. The experience gained over 30 years of independence of our country once again confirms that the drivers of economic growth in Kazakhstan are new sectors of the economy.


The main objective of economic policy in the long term is to create a competitive, stable, structurally balanced economy through the development of comparative advantages in forming a long chain of processing of available raw materials, strengthening resource-saving and development of high-tech and manufacturing industries.


The teaching staff of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University successfully introduces updated academic disciplines, taking into account the impact of the digital economy. Moreover, such forms of economic activity as online stores, online banks, payment systems are gradually beginning to develop, new types virtual currencies appear. In general, this is called the "digital economy". All this imposes a great responsibility on the teaching staff and in this regard, the Higher School of Economics and Business (HSE) has introduced educational training programs in "Digital Economy" in bachelor's and master's degrees. The following disciplines has been designed: "Digital Economy", "Competitiveness of the National Economy", "Innovative Entrepreneurship", "Investment Assessment and Investment Design", "Public Sector Economics", "Behavioral and Experimental Economics", "Environmental Economics", "Shadow Economy", "Fundamentals of Islamic Finance", "Data analysis and forecasting in the economy" and others.


The digital economy is a complex structured object of research. Currently, there are the following mechanisms of the digital economy:

1. E–commerce is a new type of non-store trade, which is carried out via the Internet in virtual stores. The subject of electronic commerce can be almost any product — goods, services, real estate, banking products, etc.


2. System of electronic money.


3. Electronic marketing is a set of company activities related to the use of information-analytical and expert-research activities of an enterprise, network information systems and technologies for: choosing a competitive position in the market, determining strategies for promoting and distributing goods, choosing advertising and pricing policies.


4. Electronic banking is the technology for providing banking services on the basis of orders transmitted by the client remotely, most often using computer and telephone networks.


5. Electronic insurance services are the insurance services that can be ordered via the Internet. The process of digitalization of the economy of various countries took place according to different scenarios.


Our country having a high potential considers the implementation of the state program "Information Kazakhstan – 2020" to create an information and innovation infrastructure that unites science, production and the market, implying the formation of technology promotion centers, techno parks, innovation and technology centers as a way out of this situation. The final stage of the implementation of Kazakhstan's transition to the information society will be the State Program "Information Kazakhstan – 2030".




Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Economics