



1. The authority and recognition of KazNU in the global educational space have been significantly strengthened. In 2022, in the QS World University Rankings (QS WUR) KazNU ranked 150th among the best universities in the world, 44th in the Asian region and 1st in Central Asia.

2. In the post-Soviet space, KazNU, along with Lomonosov Moscow State University, entered the TOP 200 best universities in the world;

3. KazNU has been heading the Global Hub of the UN Program "Academic Impact" of the Sustainable Development Goals for a number of years;

4. The University has a high rating of "AA+" of the European Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard, being on a par with the leading universities of Europe;

5. According to Great Value Colleges (USA), the University ranks 31st in the ranking of the most advanced technological universities in the world;

6. KazNU branches were opened Istanbul and Bishkek, it is also planned to open branches in Tashkent and Moscow;

7. A branch of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" has been opened on the basis of KazNU in Almaty;

8. The University was awarded the status of a research university and the KazNU Development Program for 2022-2026 was approved;

9. There is a dynamic growth of the number of students, which is up to 24.3 thousand students at 16 faculties and 68 departments. The change in the number of students has a positive trend, not only those enrolled under a state grant, but also on a contractual basis. 75% of students study on a grant basis, 25% on a contractual basis.

10. The qualitative composition of young academic staff is improving: the number of PhD doctors has grown to 489, 585 doctors of sciences, 801 candidates of sciences are also working;

11. Educational programs have been updated, there are 542 educational programs, 62 of which are double diplomas with universities in Asia, Europe, the Russian Federation, the USA, as well as 105 educational programs in English;

12. 13 innovative educational programs have been developed and implemented, including in engineering, manufacturing and construction industries, information technology, etc.

13. In 2022, the University scientists carried out 308 research projects, of which: 247 projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The volume of financing of research works in 2022 amounted to 3.7 billion tenge;

14. KazNU scientists have won 15% of grants in the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research;

15. Integration with 19 scientific institutes "Gylym Ordasy" has been strengthened, 21 joint educational programs have been implemented and 396 masters and PhD doctors have been trained;

16. 42 employees of KazNU became holders of State scientific awards and scholarships;

17. About 300 patents and copyright certificates for inventions and models have been obtained;

18. The number of scientific publications per year in rating publications has been increased (over 1000 or every 5 Kazakhstani publications);

19. The number of articles in Scopus from the Republic of Kazakhstan has been increased (58% are published annually by KazNU scientists)

20. In 2022, 4 scientific journals of the University were included in the international databases of scientific publications;

21. 85 PhD dissertations with a positive decision were defended in 14 dissertation Councils of KazNU;

22. 107 major scientific forums and conferences were held, including 60 international and 9 republican scientific conferences, 11 international and 5 republican round tables, 8 international and 11 republican seminars;

23. Received 40 million tenge in the form of grants for commercialization projects;

24. 10 new innovative production facilities have been opened, including low-tonnage production of products based on plant raw materials at the Research Center of Medicinal Plants of KazNU;

25. More than 30 new cooperation agreements have been concluded with leading universities of the world (USA, UK, Japan, France, UAE, Turkey)

26. The number of foreign students studying has been increased - up to 2.8 thousand from 54 countries of the world;

The number of leading professors of the world's centers of science and education has increased (over 100 annually) to lecture and carry out joint research projects;

28. 41 applicants from KazNU have left for an internship at the best universities in the world and research centers abroad;

29. The salary of teaching staff has been doubled and now it is: teachers - 285,000 tenge (from 160,000 tenge in 2021), associate professors - 390000 (from 175,000), professors – 500,000 (from 190,000).

30. A work plan for the development of the campus until 2025 was developed and approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors;

31. Academic buildings, laboratories, dormitories, administrative offices, canteens and gyms have been updated in accordance with modern requirements. The campus area is being improved. In 2022, more than 250 coniferous trees were planted, of which 200 pieces (blue spruce), 50 pieces (Crimean pine), lawn grasses were sown on 12,000 m2.

32. The university staff provided humanitarian assistance in the amount of 10 million tenge to Turkish citizens affected by the devastating earthquake, and a one-day salary of employees was transferred, the amount amounted to 40 million tenge.

33. KazNU held a series of socio-political events, including visits by ex-President of Turkey A. Gul, ex-President of Kyrgyzstan A. Akayev, a delegation of MEPs, a Congress of political scientists of Kazakhstan with the participation of State Adviser E. Karin, a Forum of Rectors of Universities of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, etc.

34. Over the past two years, 100 employees of KazNU have exchanged experiences in Turkey and spent a week of free rest.

35. In 2023, by the decision of the Almaty City Court, two plots of land were returned to the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a total area of 0.7495 hectares.



Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University