


The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific seminar "The Legacy of Famous Scientists", dedicated to the outstanding scientist-Turkologist, Professor Igor G. Dobrodomov. The personal library of the scientist was presented to the educational institution.

The professor's personal library contains materials and rare manuscripts of renowned Turkologists , in total more than 200 valuable sources related to Turkology.

The event was attended by the leadership of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, famous Kazakh and foreign scientists, Turkologists, Igor Dobrodomov's wife Galina Romanova and daughter Anna Dobrodomova, faculty members and students.

The participants of the seminar were welcomed by the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev. The head of the university noted the merits of the scientist. Igor Georgievich Dobrodomov was a linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor, member of the Russian Committee of Turkologists, full member of the Geographical Society of the USSR. He issued a plethora of scientific works on Turkology, Altaic studies, Slavic studies. In his honor, the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MSPU) annually holds "Dobrodomov Readings", where topical issues of philology are discussed. His scientific activity was closely connected with Kazakhstan.

"Igor Georgievich taught Russian and German, and also studied Kazakh. Furthermore, this led to a passion for Turkology. His works are devoted to the problems of ancient Turkic-Slavic language contacts, as well as issues of modern Turkology and general linguistics. And today, it is a great event for us to receive books on Turkology and Altaic studies from his personal library as a gift from the family of Igor Georgievich Dobrodomov. This is especially vital for the Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" the rector stressed.

The moderator of the event was the head of the Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies, Dr. Professor N.J.Shaimerdenova.The seminar was also attended by: Professor N.I.Egorov (Cheboksary), Professor D.S.Kulmamatov (Tashkent), etc. The participants discussed the relevance of I.G.Dobrodomov's research for modern Turkology and shared their memories of cooperation with the famous professor.



Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University