


Professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Languages (Republic of Korea), Secretary General of the Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN), Dr. Hwang Sungdon held a guest lecture for students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.


Professor Hwang Sungdon specializes in international studies and teaches at the Department of Public Administration at Hankuk University in Seoul. Professor received his doctorate from the University of Minnesota (USA). He has extensive experience in the field of state reform and social security policy. Over the years, he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Management and Communication and Director of the Institute of Social Sciences.


A topic of the lecture: “How Universities Can Promote Peaceful Coexistencea Joint Prosperity on the Silk Road: the Case of SUN (Silk-Road Universities Network)”. Professor Hwang Sungdon spoke in detail about the activities of SUN and the role of universities that influence the global development of the scientific and educational process and society as a whole. The lecturer also noted the role of universities in shaping future world leaders and educating the younger generation for the formation of an institutional form of intellectuals, striving for universalism and respect for the cultural diversity of the world. At the end of his lecture, Secretary General stressed that the SUN welcomes any suggestions and comments that support the intellectual efforts of the organization in partner universities and beyond.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University