
The report on action carrying out «Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan» - «The Korean language in the galaxy of languages of multinational Kazakhstan»


On September, 22nd, 2009 at 11.00 at Faculty of Oriental Studies the Department of Korean Studies has organized the Round table devoted to Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan.

Students of the Korean branch have prepared bulletin board newspapers for this holiday on a theme «the Kazakh language - a statehood basis» and «the Korean language - language of the Korean diaspora in Kazakhstan».

Students of 2-4 courses of Sabitova Saule, Mametova Amina, Aubakirova Tursunaj, Zhalimbetova Alija, the Khan Julia have prepared performances about languages of the people of Kazakhstan.

The special attention of students and teachers has involved performance of the student 4 courses of a speciality «Foreign philology». It has consecrated history of languages of the people of Kazakhstan through a prism of historical events. Separately having allocated history of the Korean diaspora in Kazakhstan, it has shown a problem of disappearance of the Korean language for Koreans of Kazakhstan. Students have supported discussion and spoke about many-sided nature of the Korean language and its similarity with a state language.

Students of the first years, without conceding older years, spoke about a language role in a society, discussed a state language problem.

In the conclusion of a round table students read verses on language, and also fragments from poetic products in languages of the people of Kazakhstan.