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- Bachelor's program
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- Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
1. Critically analyze the history of the development of world culture and civilization, their cultural genesis and diversity of values, demonstrating an understanding of the methods of cultural research, the principles of philosophy, history and theory of culture.
2. Summarize the theoretical and methodological basis of leading cultural schools and concepts, using their key concepts, principles, terms, issues, artifacts and patterns.
3. Assess the features of Turkic, nomadic, traditional and modern Kazakh culture, relying on the creativity of individuals who contributed to its formation, in order to determine the success factors of the Kazakh development model in the context of the Eurasian and world historical process
4. Conduct research knowing the basics of ethnoscultural studies, cultural anthropology, ecology and semiotics.
5. Analyze the stages of formation of modern culture, as well as the main trends and dynamics of modern culture.
6. Objectively assess violations of gender equality based on theoretical, methodological approaches in gender, feminist cultural studies and principles of gender policy.
7. Conduct a comparative and critical analysis of modern cinema products.
8. Evaluate the aesthetic features of folklore, works of art and applied art.
9. Based on the principles of cultural policy, monitor subcultural formations in domestic and modern Western cultures, as well as youth and marginal factors in the dynamics of culture.
10. Identify problems of media communication and cultural diffusion in the context of globalization.
11. Based on theoretical knowledge of mass, everyday cultures, assessing the formation of corporate culture.
12. Know the cultural policy of the state and accepted official documents on the experience of preserving world and domestic cultural heritage.
13. Know the basics of organizing and designing cultural and leisure activities, the basics of financial literacy and the legal framework for combating corruption in business
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years