- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
LО 1 - formulate modern ideas about the main directions of development of chemistry as a science, the basic principles, laws and theories of its fundamental sections;
LО 2 - classify physical and physico-chemical methods for studying the properties of substances and processes; methods to synthesize and obtain chemicals and materials;
LО 3 - demonstrate an understanding of the dependence of the reactivity of substances on the structure of molecules, the nature of the chemical bond, the composition of the system and conditions of the chemical reaction; of regularities of physical and chemical processes from the point of view of modern achievements of theoretical and applied chemistry;
LО 4 - solve standard tasks of professional activity using knowledge of theoretical and applied bases of chemistry and fundamental concepts of other natural, social sciences and humanities courses;
LО 5 - substantiate the use of synthetic and analytical methods for study the properties of substances, parameters and regularities of physico-chemical processes;
LО 6 - calculate and estimate the basic thermodynamic, kinetic parameters of various physicochemical systems and processes, including using modern computing technology;
LО 7 - predict the possibility, direction and depth of the chemical process in order to obtain the product with desired characteristics and to increase its output based on the calculated and experimental data on the properties of substances and process parameters;
LО 8 - analyze the reasons for deviation of process parameters, including technological, in order to make decisions on their prevention and correction;
LО 9 - plan, organize and conduct a scientific experiment or test involving physical, chemical and mathematical methods, followed by processing the obtained results;
LО 10 - substantiate the choice of a mathematical model, the most efficient method of synthesis, analysis and measuring instruments to solve specific research or production task;
LО 11 - to conduct a critical analysis and systematization of the results of a study or test with the subsequent presentation of materials in the form of scientific reports, publications, presentations;
LО 12 - evaluate the state of systems and processes in order to improve, develop and implement methods, approaches, technologies and measures aimed at reducing environmental pollution, improving the rational use of natural resources, safety and environmental friendliness of products and technologies.
LО 13 - To apply in professional and social life for successful personal growth the scientific and philosophical heritage of al-Farabi and Abay, administrative and legal norms in the field of combating corruption, patterns of interaction between living organisms and the environment
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years