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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Engineering and Technology
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
1) formulate the principles and laws of natural and engineering sciences underlying modern chemical, petrochemical, electrochemical, biochemical, and other related technologies;
2) explain the principle and features of technological processes, equipment, software tools and regulations used in modern areas of chemical engineering;
3) interpret technical and design documentation of chemical-technological processes, technological schemes of the production and processing of substances and materials;
4) analyze the main characteristics of technological processes based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, kinetics, mass and heat transfer, material and energy balances of the production of common substances and materials;
5) perform the prediction, evaluation and diagnosis of the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of various substances and materials;
6) select the optimal parameters for the operation of equipment for specified technological processes of the production of chemicals and materials;
7) perform analytical control of raw materials and finished products, control of the compliance of objects and products of chemical engineering with international quality and safety standards;
8) model chemical engineering processes in order to optimize them in accordance with the type of the obtained product and applied tasks;
9) perform maintenance and control technological processes in order to obtain competitive products, reduce material and labor costs for their manufacture;
10) compose flow diagrams and design documentation using engineering graphics standards;
11) plan experimental work on the development of new technological processes for the production and processing of chemicals and materials, as well as for solving applied problems of chemical engineering;
12) participate in team project work to solve technological and engineering problems
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years