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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Cyberphysics
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
ON 1. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of processes and phenomena, based on a deep understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and their applicability;
ON 2. Select and build the computer models of physical processes and systems, as well as use the visualization tools for the obtained results;
ON 3. Perform the analytical calculations within the framework of existing fundamental physical principles and laws, as well as apply them professionally to solve the non-standard problems;
ON 4. Conduct the market analysis of hardware and software complexes and architecture models of modern computing systems and networks;
ON 5. Use the modern mathematical tools and high-level programming languages to solve the standard and research problems in the field of cyberphysics;
ON 6. Competently integrate the computing resources into systems of varying degrees of complexity, based on an understanding of the physical processes, occurring in them;
ON 7. Perform the laboratory works and experimental research, based on the knowledge of modern tools in the field of physics, process the obtained data, analyze the results and make the conclusions;
ON 8. Follow the professional, ethical and environmental standards, based on a critical understanding of the laws of the functioning of the humanitarian and social spheres, taking into account their significance in human life;
ON 9. Develop and debug the software code at the level of software modules, modify existing modules and packages to solve the application problems;
ON 10. Organize the collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information in the framework of the concept of lifelong learning;
ON 11. Organize the high-performance calculations, apply modern hardware and artificial intelligence methods to solve non-standard physical problems;
ON 12. Develop strategies for developing of usage of databases for automation and control of physical systems, as well as the real-time decision-making;
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years