- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
ON1 – to use knowledge about the role of science in the modern scientific picture of the world, understanding the essence of physical phenomena and processes, the role of physics in the formation of the worldview and human Outlook for practical activities;
ON2 – to classify and explain the fundamental laws and principles of physics underlying the modern scientific picture of the world for the interpretation and analysis of the content of scientific literature in the specialty;
ON3 – to analyze the results of measurements, to detect the relationship between the values, to use the results for their interpretation and to draw conclusions;
ON4 – to conduct experimental studies of various physical phenomena and processes, to determine the properties of matter and the parameters of the States of physical systems;
ON5 – solve standard problems in the specialty, build mathematical models of physical processes, build graphs and make animations to visualize the results;
ON6 – to use in pedagogical activity modern scientific developments in the field of physics and methods of teaching physics for formation of competences of pupils; to carry out physics lessons in secondary educational institutions with use of modern methods of teaching;
ON7 – to use information and communication technologies in professional activity; to use methods of analytical and numerical calculation of tasks, computer methods of data collection, storage and processing;
ON8 – to formulate and solve a practical problem, to operate with fundamental concepts, laws, laws and theories, to use scientific terminology and symbols confidently, to master the basic methods of scientific knowledge used in physics;
ON9 – to integrate fundamental knowledge of the specialty to ensure continuous self-education; to apply in practice professional knowledge of the theory and methods of scientific research;
ON10 – to organize the collection and interpretation of scientific information, to work in a team and independently, to manage the audience's attention;
ON11 – to assess the essence and social significance of their future profession, to show a steady interest in it; to achieve the proper level of preparedness necessary for the further development of professional skills in the process of studying at the University;
ON12 – ability to continue education at the next level of the educational program (master's degree), to use a foreign language in the professional field and in the international arena.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years