- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
ON1 - Work in a team, apply their knowledge in the field of natural and socio-economic sciences, analyze socially significant problems and processes, be able to use the knowledge gained in various types of professional activities, have sufficient theoretical training to analyze the socio-economic situation of countries and regionsON2 - To make a qualitative forecast about the expected natural hydrological phenomenon, about the state of water resources, the regime and quality of waters of natural and artificial reservoirs with an assessment of their potential
ON3 - To use fundamental laws, theories of physical and mathematical sciences, as well as methods of physical and mathematical research in their professional activities to solve typical problems of various fields of physical and mathematical sciences
ON4 - To solve the issues of ensuring the high-quality implementation of the work plans of the hydrological network and the registration of professional information provided to both specialists and non-specialists
ON5 - Integrate the acquired knowledge in the analysis of the regime of water bodies, calculation of hydrological characteristics, modeling and forecasting of hydrological processes using GIS technologies
ON6 - To substantiate the tasks of hydrology in related Earth sciences, the importance of hydrometeorological information in various fields of economic activity in solving water management measures
ON7 – To explain the regularities of the processes occurring in the hydrosphere on the basis of modern concepts of the development of hydrological science
ON8 - To produce the main types of field and expeditionary water balance studies, processing of field materials, organization of water balance observations
ON9 - To make hydraulic calculations to substantiate hydraulic structures in the design and operation of water facilities in accordance with regulatory documents.
ON10 - To determine the main characteristics of channel turbulence, mechanical and hydraulic properties of sediments and bottom sediments, the transporting capacity of the turbulent flow for the design and trouble-free operation of GTS
ON11 - Use methods for calculating river flow in the presence of reliable observation materials and in their absence for planning economic activities, assessing water resources, substantiating water management activities
ON12 – To assess the characteristics of dangerous hydrological phenomena on water bodies in order to prevent them in the future
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years