- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
1 Apply the basic laws and regularities of natural science in interdisciplinary environmental research, taking into account the anthropogenic impact on the Earth's geosphere;
2 Analyze the processes of mass transfer and distribution of chemical elements between living organisms and the environment, taking into account the factors of chemical toxicity, the occurrence and forms of the toxic process;
3 Apply software methods based on mathematical, information and cartographic technologies to assess the state of the environment, ecological zoning and geoecological study;
4 Analyze and evaluate the environmental safety of the habitat to ensure the functioning of the green economy based on world best practices;
5 Analyze the current state of landscapes in order to preserve the biodiversity of ecosystems;
6 To monitor the state of environmental situations at the global, regional and local levels by modern methods of laboratory and field research using physico-chemical, biological and geoecological methods;
7 Урбанизацияланған аумақтардың әлеуметтік-экологиялық жағдайын, биологиялық және әлеуметтік тұлға ретінде адамның өмірін бағалау;
8 Select the necessary nano-bio- and other environmental protection technologies to reduce the level of exposure to pollutants in order to achieve environmental quality standards;
9 Conduct environmental assessment, expertise, audit of planned and implemented economic activities for compliance with regulatory requirements of environmental legislation;
10 Identify ecological features of the soil cover, patterns of soil formation and causes of degradation, erosion and desertification with the development of soil protection measures;
11 Select methods of atmospheric air protection, wastewater treatment, recycling and disposal of production and consumption waste based on calculations;
12 To be guided by the laws of socio-humanitarian development of modern society, trends in human-nature interaction, to find ways to stabilize socio-ecological relations and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, using linguistic and cultural knowledge, information and communication technologies in professional activity.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years