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- Regional Studies
Regional Studies
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
1. Analyze the main trends and patterns of world historical processes and international relations, and the historical development of the world's countries, internal and external factors that affect the formation of foreign policy, laws of evolution and their foreign policy courses, compare scientific concepts, theories, paradigms international relations, organize the conceptual framework in regional studies, and will be able to use in research and teaching;
2. to evaluate the main facts, processes and phenomena that determine the integrity and consistency of world history, to analyze the dynamics of globalization processes and their impact on international relations, factors that form the basis of political and socio - economic changes in international relations, and to reveal the features of socio-economic, environmental, political, legal, cultural, and geopolitical development of regions for use in information and expert activities;
3. Monitor the relationship between internal and external factors, causes and consequences of events and phenomena in the international arena that affect the formation of foreign policy of States; conduct discussions on global issues, analyze regional processes based on scientific concepts and theories of international relations, ecology of geopolitics, geo-Economics for research institutes and centers of the country;
4. to assess the main directions of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, the patterns of interaction of geopolitical factors in the foreign policy of States, to use knowledge about the subjects and objects of diplomatic and consular relations and the forms and methods of modern diplomatic practice, the basic international relations theory, basic concepts principles and nature of international relations, and will be able to use them in the activities of the MFA, state agencies, and representative offices of Kazakhstan abroad;
5. Analyze texts on the specialty, participate in discussions on international and regional issues using the knowledge of foreign languages, demonstrate the skills of written reasoned presentation of their own point of view and prepare digests of scientific, informational and analytical publications, socio-political and trade-economic orientation in a foreign language, develop diplomatic documents for the foreign Ministry and other departments,
6. possess skills in office management, preparation of information documents; apply knowledge of the foundations of the diplomatic service of the state Protocol, the theory of negotiation to use in practice skills the art of business communication to carry out professional activities in foreign Affairs, international and public organizations;
7. analyze information security, global and regional, economic and environmental problems in various regions of the world on the basis of the theory of security, integration and conflicts, and is able to use this knowledge in the activities of diplomatic, international political, and research associations;
8. Speak and write a foreign language at a professional level, present media materials in the foreign language being studied; refer and annotate original printed and spoken texts in a foreign language as part of translation activities; present your point of view in a reasoned manner during negotiations;
9. To analyze the issues of information security of the state, basic legislative acts and strategic course of Kazakhstan's foreign policy, tendencies of development of international relations theory, the main problems of modern international relations, the characteristics of the current international legal system and world political process, the impact of conflicts in international relations, using proven methods and techniques of diplomacy, of foreign languages;
10. analyze and systematize information of a regional nature, the main methods and techniques of research and practical work in the field of regional studies, the logic of changes and development of the problem of information security; evaluate the main positive and negative trends in the development of global political processes; develop projects for the settlement of regional conflicts using diplomatic, political, psychological, socio-economic and power methods;
11. Make a comprehensive description of the countries of the world's regions, taking into account its physical and geographical, historical, political, social, economic, legal, environmental, demographic, linguistic, ethnic, cultural, religious and other features; explain the anti-corruption policy of the countries of specialization and the Republic of Kazakhstan;
12. master the skills of foreign policy and international political analysis, preparation and conduct of conferences, international meetings, round tables, forums in foreign languages, using methods of conducting business negotiations, diplomatic Protocol in the interests of the relevant Department of the relevant Ministry or other state bodies and international organizations,
13. To develop objective knowledge about the development of world and national philosophy, culture, environmental protection, ensuring the safety of human life, as well as about anti-corruption culture in modern society.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years