Space Engineering and Technologies

Space Engineering and Technologies


  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Technics and Technologies


1.ON1 demonstrate fundamental knowledge in mathematics, physics, mechanics; knowledge of the basics of rocket science; knowledge of basic concepts and principles of operation of space systems;
2. ON2 own mathematical culture, computer literacy to solve engineering problems in the field of space engineering and technologies with using modern programming languages and application packages;
3. ON3 identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems, applying the principles of mathematics, mechanics and modern computer technology;
4. ON4 review scientific and technical literature in the field of space engineering and technologies, analyze sources of information, highlight key points of research;
5. ON5 apply the studied theoretical and numerical research methods to solving scientific and applied problems in the field of modern space engineering and technologies;
6. ON6 substantiate the choice of applied mathematical models and research methods for solving problems of controlling the motion of spacecraft;
7. ON7 design separate segments of space systems, spacecraft and their subsystems;
8. ON8 apply modern software packages for 3D and simulation of spacecraft and their components, as well as for processing satellite data;
9. ON9 analyze and interpret the results of the study, draw on their basis, reasoned conclusions;
10. ON10 process scientific and satellite data, draw sound conclusions based on the obtained results and to propose new ideas;
11. ON11 summarize the results of research, make reports on a given topic, present the results of research;
12. ON12 understand technical, business, social and other contexts, use practical skills in life to ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities, including the development of leadership skills, the ability to work in a team, to take responsibility for themselves.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Space Engineering and Technologies
Speciality Code
Mechanics and Mathematics


Applied theory of gyroscopes
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to study the basic theory of gyroscopes, which have the widest range of applications, from motion control of spacecraft and aircraft, rocket technology, to the construction of underground, surface roads. Will be studied: gyroscopic phenomena, gyroscopes’s properties, gyroscopes’s types, gyroscopic systems, Hamilton parameters, precession gimbaled gyroscope theory equations.

  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to learn procedures for using a computer in component design, production, and understand principles in computer-aided design and production. Will be studied: 2D and 3D conversion; modelling of curves, surfaces and solids; computer graphics standards. Computer aided manufacturing: interactive graphics, APT language, geometry, motion and auxiliary operators, etc.

Control theory
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: form students' professional competence in control theory, skills in applying control methods and laws in solving problems. Topics: introduction to control theory, introduction to feedback control, system modeling, ordinary differential equations for control modeling, the concept of stability and its definition, second-order systems etc.

Dynamics of solid bodies
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose: to provide theoretical knowledge in the dynamics of absolutely rigid bodies, which has extensive technical applications; to familiarize the fundamentals of analytical mechanics; to develop skills in applying the studied methods and principles to solve mechanical problems. Topics: rigid body dynamics, methods of analytical mechanics, Lagrange's equations, etc.

Electric circuits
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose: to form the ability to choose the necessary electrical, electrical measuring devices, operate them correctly, draw up technical specifications for the development of electrical parts of space systems. Will be studied: electrical circuits of direct and alternating currents, calculation and measurement of parameters and characteristics of electrical circuits.

Foreign Language
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form the improvement of knowledge of foreign language communicative competence. The main methods of speech skills and foreign language communication skills are considered as a basis for the development of communicative competence; implementation of acquired speech skills in the process of searching, selecting and using material in English.

Fundamentals of rocket science
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form knowledge in rocket engineering and knowledge of theoretical foundations, practical methods of dynamic analysis of complex structures. Issues covered: modern problems of space technology, the use of modern materials in rocket engineering, types of materials, their application for creating various structural elements, aerodynamic scheme’s choice etc.

Information-Communication Technologies
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Рurpose: it consists in the formation of a new "digital" thinking, a critical understanding of the role and importance of modern information and communication technologies, the ability to apply information and communication technologies in various professional activities. They are being studied: the role of ICT in key sectors of society development is being studied. Architecture of computer systems. Software. Microsoft Office Internet technologies. Cloud and mobile technologies. Multimedia technologies. E-learning. Information technology in the professional field.

Introduction to the Specialty
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to familiarize students with the basics of the specialty "Space Engineering and Technology". The following will be studied: space terminology, classification of spacecraft, types of orbits, space missions, achievements in the space industry, types of launch vehicles, development of the space industry in Kazakhstan, current programs and projects, the concept of satellite data and their application.

Kazakh (Russian) Language
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Рurpose: ensuring the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh (Russian) language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies. The following are studied: the system of phonetic, lexical, grammatical means of language, ideas about language as a cultural phenomenon and about the specifics of speech culture; language as an element of the national linguistic picture of the world; the status of the Kazakh (Russian) language in the world space.

Linear algebra and analytical geometry
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose: the formation of practical skills in the use of linear algebra, methods of vector algebra and the method of coordinates for the study of objects of analytic geometry. Content: complex numbers; systems of linear equations; Gauss method; operations on matrices; determinants; the concept of a group, ring, field.

Materials mechanics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: development and formation of: possession of the basic methods of work of structures, calculation schemes, problems of calculation of flat and spatial elements of building structures for strength. Topics: axial tension-compression of rods; flat bending of beams; displacement in rod systems under arbitrary loading; mechanical characteristics of materials.

Mathematical Analysis 1
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the formation of fundamental knowledge of mathematical analysis and practical skills in applying the obtained mathematical apparatus to solving specific problems. This course will study: the theory of sequences and functions of one variable, limits and continuity of a function, derivative, differential, differential calculus.

Mathematical Analysis 2
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The discipline is aimed at studying indefinite integrals, integration methods. The followings will be considered: indefinite integral, techniques of integration, arc length, volumes and surface areas of solids of revolution, improper integrals, sequences and infinite series, Taylor series, vectors, analytic geometry in 3-space, functions of several variables, partial derivatives.

Mechanical Systems Design
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the formation of students' knowledge and skills in the design of flat lever mechanisms. Content: kinematic, power analysis of flat lever mechanisms, minimization of the total mass of mechanisms, rational choice of the structure and parameters of mechanisms.

Military Training
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - MC
  • Description - Military Training

Module of socio-political knowledge (Culture)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Culture)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - RK1+RK2 (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Political science)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Political science)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - RK1+RK2 (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Psychology)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Psychology)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - RK1+RK2 (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Sociology)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of socio-political knowledge (Sociology)
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - RK1+RK2 (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Module of Socio-Political Knowledge (Sociology/ Political Science/ Culture/ Psychology)
  • Number of credits - 8
  • Type of control - RK + Exam (100)
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: to develop the ability to explain and interpret subject knowledge in all fields of science, shaping of the discipline. Sociology and sociological perspectives, social structure, form of policy, organizational structure, institutions, the legal and organizational rules, content, purpose, value, policy, concept and essence of culture, semiotics of culture, psychology of personality, psychology of interpersonal communication will be studied.

Orbital Mechanics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is the formation of knowledge in the field of orbital mechanics and space flight dynamics; skills in solving tasks of moving spacecraft into orbit; conducting an analysis of the characteristics of the movement of celestial bodies; the application of methods of celestial mechanics and dynamics of the space field for the study of the movement of the mechanical system and the determination of its properties.

Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of practical skills in solving, researching the main types of ordinary differential equations, familiarization with the skills of mathematical modeling of applied problems using differential equations, analysis of the results. Will study: first order differential equations; general theory of a differential equations system, first order partial differential equations.

  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form a systematic understanding of philosophy and its main problems and methods in the context of future professional activities. The main content of ontology and metaphysics is considered in the context of the historical development of philosophy; the importance of key worldview concepts in the modern world.

Physical Training
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - РК(с оценкой)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is the formation of social and personal competencies of students, ensuring the targeted use of the appropriate means of physical culture and sports for preservation, preparation for professional activities. As a result of studying the discipline, the graduate should know the role of physical culture in human development.

Rocket dynamics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of this course is to study the motion of rockets, which is based on the concepts of mechanics of bodies of variable mass, since any spacecraft is essentially a system of variable composition. The task is to teach students the basics of mechanics of bodies of variable mass, which are necessary when considering the problems of practical celestial mechanics: the dynamics of space flight.

Satellite communication systems
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form knowledge of modern satellite communication systems, navigation, the principles of their operation; basic knowledge in the field of digital technologies of radio communication, broadcasting, navigation of mobile objects, including spacecraft, acquire skills in designing, calculating digital radio communication and navigation systems etc.

Scientific data processing
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about the stages of collecting, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating data. The study of collecting and recording data, looking for patterns in the data, and explaining those patterns. This discipline covers all aspects of data analysis, from arrays and histograms to cluster analysis, curve fitting and metadata.

Space Systems Design 1
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to form students' knowledge of spacecraft mission design, stages of spacecraft design, as well as to introduce students to the procedures of analysis and development of space systems. Will be studied: space mission design process, communication system, power supply and thermal management system, payload design, engines, structures, guidance, navigation etc.

Space Systems Design 2
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of studying the discipline is to develop students' knowledge and skills in the field of designing space systems. During studying the discipline, the following topics will be considered: launch vehicles, reliability analysis and cost modeling, ground control complex, ground target complex, ground segment.

Theoretical mechanics
  • Number of credits - 6
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to acquire skills in building mathematical models of processes occurring in nature and technology, their analysis using mathematical methods; Will be studied: determination of the kinematic characteristics of a material point and a mechanical system motion; study of the balance of various systems of forces; solution of the problem of dynamics based on Newton's second law, etc.

Нistory of Kazakhstan
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [РК1+MT+РК2+ ГЭК] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to give objective knowledge about the main stages in the development of the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present. Expected learning outcomes: 1) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the main stages in the development of the history of Kazakhstan; 2) to correlate the phenomena and events of the historical past with the general paradigm of the world-historical development of human society through critical analysis; 3) to possess the skills of analytical and axiological analysis in the study of historical processes and phenomena of modern Kazakhstan; 4) be able to objectively and comprehensively comprehend the immanent features of the modern Kazakh model of development; 5) Systematize and give a critical assessment of historical phenomena and processes in the history of Kazakhstan. During the study of the discipline students will learn following aspects: Ancient people and the formation of a nomadic civilization, Turkic civilization and the Great Steppe, Kazakhstan in modern times (XVIII - early XX centuries), Kazakhstan as part of the Soviet administrative-command system, Kazakhstan in the world community (1991-2022).

Data for 2022-2025 years


Abais Teaching
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to form in future specialists the ability to self-knowledge, the use of Abai's doctrine as the basis of spirituality and intellectuality of modern Kazakhstan, the application of their professional knowledge, understanding and abilities through the prism of humanism and education in order to strengthen the unity of the country and civil solidarity of society.The following will be studied: the concept of the teachings of Abai; sources of teaching; components of Abai's doctrine; categories of Abai's doctrine; assessment tools of the teachings of Abai; the essence and meaning of Abai’s doctrine.

  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: the formation of knowledge in the field of aerodynamics. Will be studied: Standard atmosphere. The principle of inversion of motion , the hypothesis of continuity of the medium. Aerodynamics basic equations. Mass conservation law. The law of conservation of energy etc.

Al-Farabi and Modernity
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim of the discipline is to form students' ideas about the scientific and philosophical heritage of the great Turkic thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi in developing the world and national culture. Learning outcomes: explain the main philosophical contents al-Farabi's heritage and his influence on the formation of Turkic philosophy; influence European Renaissance.

Application of Computer Algebra in Engineering Problems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to study the principles and methods of using software to solve complex engineering problems. Students learn to apply computer algorithms and symbolic calculations to the analysis, modeling and optimization of systems in the field of space engineering and technology.

Basics of financial literacy
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form rational financial behavior in students based on building a direct connection between understanding financial information and their practical application for making competent and informed decisions regarding personal finances and increasing their economic security, as well as the ability to critically evaluate and analyze processes related to protection their rights and interests as consumers of financial services through the use of financial instruments, including digital technologies.

  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: develop skills in solving various engineering problems using applied software packages: calculation, physical processes’s analysis, quantitative calculations. Will be studied: CAЕ, their components, designing in CAЕ system, CAЕ systems based on finite element method, problem solving in CAЕ system, universal CAЕ systems based on finite element method, etc.

Computer modeling of complex systems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the formation of knowledge about the basic concepts of modeling theory and the scope of their application; about the problems of modeling and the principles of building models. This course also addresses the issue of choosing modeling methods, building an adequate model of a system or process using modern computer tools; analysis based on simulation results.

Digital microelectronics
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge in the field of digital microelectronics. Issues reviewed: the tasks and principles of digital microelectronics, the main directions of microelectronics, features of integrated and functional microelectronics. Basic concepts of microprocessor technology, discusses the principles of operation of microprocessor systems and etc

Ecology and Human Life Safety
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to form a number of key competencies based on modern concepts of environmental management, implementing the principles of harmonious optimization of human interaction with nature. The following will be studied: the principles of sustainable development, conservation and reproduction of natural resources to ensure the safety of human life, methods for assessing and minimizing risks, protecting against dangers, including during travel, measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents, anthropogenic disasters, natural disasters, environmental protection and rational environmental management.

Electrical engineering
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: electrical engineering is to study the basic principles, laws associated with electrical phenomena and electrical circuits. It is aimed at developing an understanding of the principles of operation of electrical systems, the ability to analyze and design electrical circuits etc.

  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge on the basics of electronics, digital signal processing, methods for designing and calculating electronic devices, acquiring the skill of working with basic electronic measuring instruments. Will be studied: parameters and characteristics of semiconductor devices; elements of digital technology; electronic, amplifying, converting devices, signals and systems.

  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of practical skills for carrying out entrepreneurial activities. Student able to: use market opportunities that correspond to their interests and abilities; make an initial decision about business; work effectively within the framework of legal norms; evaluate the potential market opportunities of a startup.

Fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: provide students with a knowledge of the basics of heat motion and heat exchange, to teach the laws of energy transformation in the form of heat transfer, work, etc. Considered questions: laws of thermodynamics. The two-parameter environment. Ideal gas. Internal energy etc.

Inertial and Satellite Navigation Systems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: to teach students methods of inertial, satellite navigation, to acquire skills in developing algorithms and software tools for building inertial, satellite, hybrid navigation systems. Will be studied: History of navigation; radar methods; pseudo-dimensional method; signal modulation and demodulation; phase, code manipulation; GPS errors; mechanisation of the inertial system equation etc.

Legal Bases of Corruption Control
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form a responsible attitude and the ability to demonstrate in practice the application of the principles and norms of anti-corruption legislation in order to prevent corruption offenses, to form intolerance towards corruption, an anti-corruption culture in everyday life and at the workplace, civil liability. The following will be studied: anti-corruption legislation, the system and activities of anti-corruption subjects, causes and conditions conducive to corruption, anti-corruption policy, international experience in combating corruption.

Methods of scientific research
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to develop skills in cognitive activity in the field of science. To use methods of scientific research for understanding and assimilating information. To be able to describe the object of research. To master methods of search, processing of scientific information, systematization, analysis, synthesis to obtain an objective content of scientific knowledge. To apply analytical and practical research methods and argumentation systems for justification, assertion, evaluation.

Navigation technologies
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of studying the discipline is to develop students' knowledge and skills in the field of navigation system. When studying the discipline, the following questions will be addressed: methods and instrumental means of navigation, theory and basic principles of navigation, navigation systems, navigation technologies, types and physical principles of satellite measurements in navigation technologies, methods of determining coordinates in navigation technologies.

Object oriented programming
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to teach students the basics of developing software systems based on the principles of object-oriented programming. Topics covered include creating and using classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, design and architecture principles, implementing interfaces, managing memory, and developing flexible and extensible applications.

Processing of satellite data
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of skills in the use of satellite communication systems, presentation of the physical foundations of the elements, devices of satellites and ground stations for understanding and analyzing the work of functional GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO. Will be studied: calculation and correction of satellite trajectories etc

Programmable logic devices
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to develop students skills in designing, programming and analyzing logic circuits using programmable logic devices, as well as understanding their application in practical problems. Will be studied: the principles and structures of the PLD, PLD programming, design and simulation of logic circuits, the use of PLD in real systems.

Remote sensing systems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The discipline is devoted to the study of the basics of remote sensing, optical systems of space sensors. The following topics will be studied: electromagnetic spectrum, optical systems of space sensors, system components of a passive optical sensor system, diffraction limitation of optical systems, refractive optics.

Scientific Research Methods
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Рurpose: to form a methodological and scientific culture, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the organization and conduct of scientific research. General scientific research methods are studied, including methods of searching, processing, systematization, analysis, synthesis, generalization and argumentation of scientific information to obtain the objective content of scientific knowledge.

Simulation modeling of complex systems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is the formation of knowledge in the field of simulation modeling of complex systems. This course will cover the following questions: the basic concepts and concepts of simulation modeling of complex systems. Methods of building simulation models. Prediction of system parameters is also considered as one of the applications of simulation modeling.

Software Engineering
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to teach students the methods and principles of software development. It includes the study of software development life cycle processes, requirements analysis, architecture design, programming, testing, project management and quality assurance. Students gain the skills necessary to create reliable, efficient and scalable software products.

Software Packages for Solving Engineering Problems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is the formation of skills to work with a wide range of modern software packages: applied and special software packages. Studying their working principles and functionality. Mastering the methods of their application for modeling, analysis and solving engineering problems in the space industry.

Spacecraft dynamics and control
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: formation of knowledge about the theoretical and practical foundations of dynamics, control systems used to control the motion of a spacecraft. Will be studied: principles of constructing mathematical models of spacecraft motion, their application to specific tasks, modeling of sensors and actuators for controlling spacecraft motion, various control algorithms, etc.

Data for 2022-2025 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Сonsolidation of the received theoretical knowledge, professional orientation of students; familiarization and study of the organization of activity, structure, directions of scientific activity of the department, faculty, university. - use knowledge of physical laws and theories to explain the structure of matter, forces and interactions in nature, the origin of fields; use acquired knowledge in practice and in everyday life;

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The goal of the practice is to form the ability to integrate the theory and methodology of technological and chemical disciplines to solve practical problems related to future professional activities. The practice is aimed at the formation of an independent solution to real problems in the field of chemical technology of inorganic substances using the competencies obtained in the course of mastering the educational program.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained at the university, familiarization with the organization and production technology, the acquisition of practical skills and professional experience in the field of study. As a result of the internship, the student will be able to study and analyze the necessary information, to carry out the necessary calculations using modern technical means.

Data for 2022-2025 years