- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Health Care
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Health Care
ON1 Apply knowledge of biomedical, clinical, social, behavioral and population sciences to solve problems affecting human health; interaction of the individual with society and the environment, identifying and critically evaluating new information on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and health maintenance;
ON2 Apply detailed knowledge of the typical structure and functions of the human body and the pathophysiological basis of the development of diseases for effective nursing intervention and training of patients in self-care on an individual and (or)family and (or) population levels;
ON3 Independently, timely and correctly document the nursing process and accounting and reporting documentation, adhering to high standards of professional activity, honesty and responsibility;
ON4 Monitor compliance with the rules of drug provision, ways and methods of introducing drugs into the body, increasing compliance with treatment in patients;
ON5 Effectively use of information and communication technologies when performing professional tasks.
ON6 To provide patient-centered integrated nursing care of high quality, including in the provision of emergency pre-medical care, observing ethical and moral principles in relation to patients, colleagues and society;
ON7 Carries out all stages of the nursing process in providing care to patients of various population groups (from the initial assessment of the patient's condition to the assessment of the achieved effect), contributing to its improvement, paying attention to quality, safety;
ON8 Organize a workplace in compliance with the requirements of occupational safety, industrial sanitation, infectious safety, knowledge of legal norms in the work of a nurse, methods and means of legal protection of employees of the health care system.
ON9 Identify problems affecting human health based on the application of knowledge about the main pathological processes and biological damage that they cause and decision-making within their professional competence,
ON10 Effectively use a wide range of technologies to interact with patients and their families to build trusting relationships, promote a healthy lifestyle and independent care on an individual and (or)at the family and/or population levels, as well as with colleagues as a member of an interdisciplinary medical team
ON11 Train in the field of healthcare, controlling the knowledge of nurses and auxiliary medical workers, contributing to the acquisition of practical experience in the development of general and professional competencies
ON12 Paticipate in scientific research in nursing aimed at promoting knowledge in the field of human health and improving the quality of life of individuals, families and society
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years