- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
ON1 Apply knowledge of scientific and philosophical heritage, basic types of innovation, financial literacy human life safety, and anti-corruption provisions;
ON2 Interpret fundamental knowledge of zoology to understand animal life processes;
ON3 apply the laws, formulas, and methods of the natural sciences to zoology;
ON4 use knowledge of areas of zoological science to assess and monitor the status of modern fauna;
ON5 compare the biology and ecology of living and fossil animals to determine the geographic age of taxa and map their distribution;
ON6 apply biological and statistical methods to interpret zoological research results;
ON7 conduct laboratory, field, and ex situ animal monitoring studies in accordance with international requirements and bioethical principles;
ON8 conduct scientific research for the development of acclimatization and introduction of wild, valuable and rare animal species;
ON9 replenish databases with unique information on observations, experiments, findings, etc;
ON10 present the results of research at scientific conferences, public hearings, taking into account the analysis of world scientific literature;
ON11 make collection, demonstration macro and micro preparations using existing zoological methods;
ON12 interpret scientific theories and concepts of modern zoology trends when solving problem situations in scientific and production activities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years