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- Accounting and Audit
Accounting and Audit
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
ON1 Demonstrate the logical scientific thinking necessary to use the methodological foundations of research; collect and interpret sources of information for making professional judgments in the field of research, applying the skills of drafting and preparing scientific and technical documentation, scientific reports, reviews, reports and articles (in accordance with the profile of the doctoral program)
ОN2 Build an educational and upbringing process on the basis of modern international development trends in the field of accounting and audit by joining the system of universal and national values in their unity, taking into account the national priorities of Kazakhstan;
ON3 Develop educational programs, educational and methodological complexes, conduct classes in theoretical and practical disciplines based on the integration of scientific knowledge in the field of accounting, audit and analysis, taking into account the expected learning outcomes, defining the methodology of modern innovative teaching and integrative assessment methods;
ON4 Develop new and substantiate the application of existing methods, mechanisms and tools for the formation of accounting and audit, using innovative technologies for organizing and managing business entities in a research environment;
ON5 To systematize the information contained in regulatory legal acts on accounting, tax and auditing activities, Kazakhstani and international experience of their application;
ON6 Determine the goals and objectives of the provision of services for the setting, restoration, accounting and tax accounting, financial and tax reporting;
ON7 Collect and interpret sources of information for making management decisions and for making professional judgments that involve taking into account significant economic, social, scientific and ethical issues;
ON8 Use professionally-profiled knowledge in the field of digital technologies, modern computer networks, software products and Internet resources to solve problems of professional activity, including those outside the scope of specialized training;
ON9 Conduct scientific research in the field of theory and methodology of accounting, audit and analysis in the context of globalization and digitalization of the world economy;
ON10 Substantiate methodological and methodological approaches to solving problems, analyze and assess risk in conditions of uncertainty when making optimal management decisions;
ON11 Formulate the rationale for forecasts and prospects by comparing and comparing methodological and methodological issues of accounting and analytical support for accounting for production costs
ON12 Choose a conceptual and methodological apparatus for the formation, development and functioning of an accounting and analytical apparatus.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years