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- Business Administration
Business Administration
- Profile direction - Doctor of Business Administration(DBA)
- DBA - Doctor of Business Administration(DBA)
ON1 to conduct large-scale comprehensive research and to draw strategic conclusions and prove its importance on this basis through a systematic approach and mathematical methods of analysis in the economy, as well as using the methods of financial analysis and business Analytics.
ON2 to make a significant contribution to the development of economics, business and management from interdisciplinary perspective on the basis of serious analytical research, critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new ideas in the context of modern paradigms of business administration;
ON3 to create the concept of strategic alternatives, taking into account the turbulent changes to achieve the goals of organizations with help of business transformation models, management of personnel resistance to change, evaluation and timely response to risks, as well as developing a roadmap for successful implementation of the transformation.
ON4 to develop strategic management decisions through optimization methods and multi-criteria decision-making tasks, methods and technology of forecasting socio - economic and financial indicators and profitability calculation.
ON5 to develop a business plan using modern dynamic economic models; analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization, methods of developing a new product with the formation of its competitiveness, with the calculation of financial indicators of profitability , and the best practices of project management in the context of digitalization.
ON6 to create a modern structure of organizations taking into account the development of national and world economic systems by calculating the possibility of financing new structures and its effectiveness, as well as strategic value-based management based on projects and programs implemented by new sub-divisions using modern digital technologies;
ON7 to develop and bring new product or services markets by analyzing and studying the needs of consumers, using the tools of strategic management, methods of conducting e-business and e-Commerce, and application of compliance control elements.
ON8 to form an expert opinion on the improvement of business processes on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the organizations activities using various methods of economic, financial, technical and social research in accordance with certain standards and regulations, taking into account the economic and technical security of organizations.
ON9 to develop and implement compliance control programs using the procedures of implementation of modern combating criminal threats models through self-regulation and risk management, using financial management methods, as well as using modern technologies of control of e-business.
ON10 to form the program of innovative development of the organizations, branch by means of world experience research, methods of the strategic analysis and capital investment with use of modern software.
ON11 to plan of developing effective ways of investment, project management based on methods and models of investment analysis and forecasting, financial management, innovation management, business Analytics and strategic management.
ON12 to monitor the effectiveness and appropriateness of management decisions using data analysis models and business intelligence software, principles of strategic management, modern digital technologies and programs.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years