PhD program
Natural and Technogenic Risks

Natural and Technogenic Risks


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


- to develop a systematic understanding of the methods of study, information technology research in the field of the reproduc- tion of the reproduction for the integration of the system of the repro-
- to develop a special system, a creative system, a customer, a customer, a customer, a customer, a customer, a customer, and a customer.
- demonctpipovat ppeimuschectva geogpaficheckih metodov variations iccledovanii zagpyazneny okpuzhayuschey cpedy, ekologicheckogo monitopinga and kaptogpafipovaniya geocictem for pesheniya nauchnyh and ppoizvodctvennyh zappocov nauki and obschectva;
- produce patterns of the cadre of the Czech Republic of the capital of the Republic of the Republic of the South of the Republic of Moldova.
- to propose new knowledge of modern computer technologies for use in order to save, store, process, analyze and transfer the data on the system for the purpose of information and aforementioned information for future;
- cozdavat, pazpabatyvat, pealizovyvat komplekcny At Process nauchnyh iccledovany and tendentsii pazvitiya ocoboy deyatelnocti Po ppoizvodctvu nauchnyh znany in oblacti geogpaficheckih iccledovany in ictopichecki izmenyayuschemcya cotsiokultupnom kontekcte;
- to conduct the scientific and technical examination of new methods of analysis and processing of physical images and game information;
- to use statistical methods (multi-factor and traditional analysis) to propel physical development and to establish its purpose;
- to formulate the main stages of development of the theory and methodology of geographical research methods for assessing the ecological state of natural and man-made complexes;
- to adapt materials of geographical character with application of GIS technologies for research of natural resource potential of the country, regions and areas for the purposes of environmental management and environmental planning.
- to analyze theoretical and scientific and practical knowledge of the basics of nature management for their implementation in interdisciplinary subjects; to theorize actual problems of methodology and technology of spatial development of geosystems to explain and evaluate promising areas of development of natural geosystems;
- to formulate actual problems of methodology and technology of spatial development of geosystems;
- to predict the possible future development of natural geosystems;
- to assess the predominant features of innovation sources of information necessary in the geographical studies of the dynamics and prediction of geosystems;
- to develop recommendations on restoration and preservation of ecological status of geosystems for the solution of geographical problems
- to structure and make the General base of information sources on any problems and directions of cartographic modeling of geosystems for increase of professionalism of high qualification;
- independently choose and offer new methods of research of scientific and production profile of their professional activities;
- to analyze the selected methods of geographical research for processing, analysis and synthesis of geographical information: cartographic, aerospace, complex geographical methods of geographical zoning and forecasting and for their use in scientific and industrial processes;
- to offer modern computer programs for the solution of research and production and technological problems of professional activity;
- to solve the problems of preliminary and thematic processing of digital satellite images, automated mapping using GIS technologies and data;
- use the data of the remote sensing data in the search for environmental, technological, management, etc. decisions';
- to integrate basic knowledge of mathematics in the volume necessary for the possession of mathematical apparatus in the geographical Sciences, for information processing and analysis of geographical data;
- to argue the basics of cartography and cartographic method for use in geographical studies;
- develop a monitoring program for environmental control based on geographic information and cartographic data, remote sensing and GIS technologies to improve the effectiveness of environmental programs;
- to combine the integral knowledge reflecting the modern level of the automated systems of collecting and processing of data of remote sensing for strengthening of system approach in scientific researches and production.
- use basic knowledge, basic approaches and methods of physical and geographical research for research in related fields of science;
- develop and implement a program of resource conservation, environmental management and monitoring of geosystems at the local, regional and national levels;
- to assess the system of development of indicators and implementation of the organization aimed at ensuring competitiveness in the specialty;
- to present a system of cartographic results and indicators to ensure the competitiveness of cartographic production;
- to carry out scientific and technical expertise of new methods of analysis and processing of satellite images and geographic information;
- develop pre-processing and thematic processing of the main types of satellite images; create databases;
- implement an integrated environmental monitoring programme for environmental monitoring based on remote sensing and GIS technology
- to systematize knowledge and methods of information technologies for the solution of scientific and applied problems of geography, including in new areas of social and public spheres;
to manage geographical projects for the development and implementation of programs to solve environmental and economic problems of resource conservation at the local, regional and national levels;
- use the possibility of obtaining theoretical knowledge in related fields of science for the application of their scientific methods in geographical research;
- to draw a conclusion of the integral knowledge reflecting the modern level of the automated systems of collecting and processing of data of remote sensing for creation on their basis of cartographic products
- to study and solve problems of preliminary and thematic processing of digital satellite images, automated mapping using GIS technologies and data;
- apply methods and algorithms of remote sensing data processing for comparison with existing data processing and analysis systems;
- create a project based on the technical specifications in the field of modeling of geosystems for the development of scientific and curriculum profile activities in high school;
- to recommend new methods of research of natural geosystems taking into account digitalization of science and introduction of innovative technologies.
- generate new ideas and directions for the introduction and use of modern geographical research methods in cross-sectoral areas to deepen interdisciplinary ties with various scientific and industrial organizations;
- to find methodological and technological solutions to the scientific problem in new and unfamiliar contexts for the integration of geography in the interdisciplinary sphere of scientific production;
- to give an objective assessment of the applied methodological apparatus of spatial visualization, to improve the level of results of scientific and applied research.
- theorize analytical approaches to solving scientific and production problems to improve the alternative and efficiency of geographical science and production;
- to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into the research process on the problems of innovative modeling of geosystems for the implementation of complex research and production programs and projects of economic development;
- to demonstrate a systematic understanding of the tasks, problems and methods of geographical science research to deepen scientific integration.
- create and manage a research team to plan and implement geographic projects;
- make decisions in the event of complex emergencies and convince opponents of the correctness of the methods adopted to eliminate the causes;
- to carry out expertise of scientific projects of any level and to evaluate the effectiveness of their practical results

Program passport

Speciality Name
Natural and Technogenic Risks
Speciality Code
Geography and Environmental Sciences


Academic writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Aim of discipline: to form practical skills in writing applications for research grants in PhD students. The following will be studied: the rules and technologies for writing and submitting scientific applications for national grant and interna-tional funding, including specifics of the structure, sections of the budget of scientific project and formation of research group, presen-tation of results in the form of articles in the rating journals of the Scopus / WoS bases in the field of hospitality and tourism.

New methods and technologies of geographical and geoecological research
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to reveal the methodological foundations of the use of innovative technologies for solving problems in professional activities. The discipline studies the predominant properties of innovative sources of information necessary for geographical research of dynamics and forecast of geosystems, modern computer technologies and programs in the framework of scientific research, the development of new methods and approaches in the field of geography and Geoecology

PhD Thesis Writing and Defence
  • Number of credits - 12
  • Type of control - Докторская диссертация
  • Description - The main purpose of "PhD thesis writing and defence": of a doctoral dissertation is the formation of the doctoral students' ability to disclose the content of research work for the defense of the thesis. During the study of course, doctoral student's should be competent in: 1. to substantiate the content of new scientifically grounded theoretical and experimental results that allow to solve a theoretical or applied problem or are a major achievement in the development of specific scientific directions; 2. explain the assessment of the completeness of the solutions to the tasks assigned, according to the specifics of the professional sphere of activity; 3. they can analyze alternative solutions for solving research and practical problems and assess the prospects for implementing these options; 4. apply the skills of writing scientific texts and presenting them in the form of scientific publications and presentations. 5. to plan and structure the scientific search, clearly highlight the research problem, develop a plan / program and methods for its study, formalize, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Establishment, the scientific and qualification work in the form of a thesis for a scientific degree Doctor of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)». During the study of the discipline doctoral student will learn following aspects: Registration of documents for presentation of the thesis for defense. Information card of the dissertation and registration-registration card (in the format Visio 2003). Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the institution, in which the preliminary defense of the thesis took place. Cover letter to the Higher Attestation Commission. Expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the author's abstract. Expert opinion on the possibility of publishing a dissertation. Minutes of the meeting of the counting commission. Bulletin for voting. A shorthand record of the meeting of the dissertational council. List of scientific papers. Response of the official opponent. A review of the leading organization. The recall of the scientific adviser.

Processing and interpretation of remote sensing data
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to master the methods and algorithms for processing remote sensing data for independent work in GIS programs. Discipline studies the basic characteristics of data and the principles of building a remote sensing system, space remote sensing systems, applied problems solved using remote sensing data, methods and algorithms for processing and interpreting data, existing remote sensing data processing and analysis systems

Scientific Research methods
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of discipline: to form the ability of systematic understand-ing of the methodology and theory of scientific research in the field of tourism to justify the goal and objectives, object and subject of research, the choice of optimal methods and forms of planning, or-ganization and conducting scientific research, to achieve the desired result. The following will be studied: the content and specificity of the sci-ence of tourism; paradigms of scientific research in the past and in current historical period; the system of training, professional devel-opment and certification of scientific personnel; methodology and methods of transfer of knowledge and skills, issues of copyright and intellectual property in relation to tourism.

Strategic directions for the spatial development of natural-technogenic systems in Kazakhstan
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to analyze the formation of a vision and determine priorities, goals, target indicators for solving problems and ways to achieve them and the development of natural territories. Discipline studies the process of separating goals, the main directions of development of the country; development of a strategic document, a strategic plan of a state body, a territory development program, a result indicator, allowing to determine the level of problem solving

Data for 2021-2024 years


Ecological and economic analysis of natural and man-made risks
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to analyze the use of natural and environmental resources to implement environmental protection measures that affect economic results. The course examines the relationship of production volumes with the preservation of environmental quality and rational use of natural resources; complex analysis of economic activity; environmental analysis; analysis of the results of environmental protection activities; assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of environmental protection measures.

Processing and interpretation of remote sensing data
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to master the methods and algorithms for processing remote sensing data for independent work in GIS programs. Discipline studies the basic characteristics of data and the principles of building a remote sensing system, space remote sensing systems, applied problems solved using remote sensing data, methods and algorithms for processing and interpreting data, existing remote sensing data processing and analysis systems

Research methodology of natural and man-made risks
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to analyze modern theoretical and methodological foundations and fundamental concepts and theories of geography for understanding and penetration into the essence of natural processes and phenomena. The discipline studies the methodological foundations, natural objects and systems, structures, systematization and classification of natural systems, the essence, the main directions of research, the concept territories and territorial organization natural and man-made geosystems

Space monitoring natural and technogenic geosystems
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to apply the methods of complex scientific research for processing and analyzing information, forecasting, planning and designing environmental protection and economic activities. Discipline studies the methods of collecting, processing materials on natural systems to assess the state of natural and anthropogenic systems; promising areas of receiving and processing space information while monitoring the state of natural and man-made geosystems

Space monitoring of emergency situations
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to create the ability to monitor objects on the earth's surface to study the dynamics of changes in their characteristics and create cartographic material using geographic information technologies. The course studies topographical, dynamic, environmental and emergency monitoring using aerospace data; monitoring of forest and steppe fires; monitoring overgrowing of fields; hydroforestry monitoring; geographic information modeling when solving monitoring problems

Theory and practice of the analysis of natural and technogenic risks
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on the manifestation of natural and man-made risks to solve professional tasks in the analysis, assessment and forecasting of natural systems. The discipline studies the system analysis of available methods of research of natural and man-made situations of different scales; new approaches, trends and methods of analysis of complex geographical research, including geographical zoning of natural and technogenic systems

Data for 2021-2024 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2021-2024 years