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- PhD program
- Educational programs
- Hydrology
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
1) conduct pedagogical activities in the basic educational programs of higher education, to train and prepare students in various disciplines in the field of hydrological science, earth science and related disciplines in the form of conducting classroom studies, laboratory research, and field practice by using information technology;
2) collect, process, analyze and systematize the hydrological database, as well as scientific and technical information on the research topic, select and justify methods and means for the production of hydrological products;
3) plan and develop programs of research and technical development in the field of hydrology, hydrological processes, prepare tasks for conducting field research, survey and scientific work by using modern computer and GIS technologies;
4). establish scientific relations with foreign partners for joint research, the results of which are published in high-rated journals; apply modern methods of scientific research in the hydrometeorology field;
5) conduct scientific and hydrological expertise of projects to solve scientific, technical and engineering problems of enterprises of natural, economic and water management complexes;
6) apply mathematical and numerical methods to modeling hydrological processes, master the methods of geoinformation modeling using data from remote sensing of the Earth and a digital model of the relief (surface);
7) evaluate, recommend the results of research based on hydrological, hydraulic and mathematical models of hydrological processes, phenomena and objects for the rational and sustainable use of the country's water resources.
8) to justify and explain the causes of regional manifestations in current changes in dangerous hydrological phenomena such as floods, spring flooding, low runoff, surface water in the regions in order to prevent them in the future;
9) calculate, analyze the modern perspective (forecast) state of water resources, the regime and quality of water in natural reservoirs, as a source of water supply for industries, population of the country.
10) create, develop methods for organizing and conducting experiments, propose new methods and means of water resources management in order to optimize water supply scenarios of natural and economic systems, analyze trends in the dynamics of changes in the hydrochemical composition of river waters;
11) monitoring the operational obtaining of hydrological information and jointly takes measures to address the emerging hydrological hazard and the overall risk situation.
12) demonstrate the ability to work in a team; differ personal and leadership qualities necessary for participation in the work of Kazakhstan and international research teams in solving scientific and educational tasks, to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the state of the hydrological regime of water bodies.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years