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- PhD program
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- International Relations
International Relations
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
ON1 To provide well reasoned results of analytical and research work in IR field in form of thesis, scientific reports, articles including peer-reviewed journals, in order to contribute to the integration of science, higher education, and the labor market, to contribute original research about IR into development of Kazakhstan’s science.
ON2 To interpret key ideas of modern international political paradigms based on systemic analysis of current IR and world politics issues using modern information technologies; using comparative analysis, scenario and prognostic analysis and other methods of analysis to forecast development of international situations and trends of contemporary world politics.
ON3 To critically assess and analyze main tendencies of modern World order formation, to apply methodology of modern regional and global security theories and concepts at analysis of new factors global security and armed conflicts; to formulate independently ideas of overcoming new challenges and threats to international security.
ON4 To identify differences in approaches of academic schools’ representatives studies of risks and challenges in region of CA; critically analyze of great powers’ interests dynamics of leading actors; to carry out scenario and prognostic analysis of geopolitical situation’s evolution in CA and formulate recommendations in frame of professional work.
ON5 To synthesize modern knowledge on international relations, conduct comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of complex trends in global development in relation to sustainable development, use them in the process of teaching disciplines on International relations at the University, and develop the required level of research skills among students.
ON6 To develop independently research program, to formulate original research problems on urgent issues of IR, world politics, global, regional and national development aimed at solution of problems of practical importance in expert-analytic and scientific-educational work.
ON7 To evaluate critically results of modern scientific research in the field of IR and world politics; to show system understanding of new trends of economic, social, cultural, international, political processes and to build on their basis new approaches in a research of problems of IR on the basis possession of methods political analysis
ON8 To interpret general theoretical approaches during analysis of International organizations’ role as IR regulation mechanism, to have skills of independent analysis of International organizations development and transformation and use them to propose recommendations for appropriate agencies.
ON9 To evaluate critically scientific theories and concepts of integration processes, to generate knowledge about concepts and approaches used in studies of integration institutions work practice in order to prepare practical recommendations for government and non-government structures if frame of professional work.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years