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- PhD program
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- Computational Sciences and Statistics
Computational Sciences and Statistics
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
ON1. Conduct scientific research and obtain new fundamental and applied results, critically analyze and evaluate the results obtained, formulate sound conclusions even in conditions of incomplete or limited information;
ON2. Write scientific articles in foreign and domestic journals and inform the wide scientific community of advanced topics and research results at international and national conferences, seminars and workshops, critically assessing their significance;
ON3. Write independent scientific projects and applications, setting a theoretical or practical computational problem or a solution method that is relevant to society, implement and correct, if necessary, the process of independent scientific research;
ON4. Determine the direction and intensity of their professional development in the chosen scientific field, be able to work in a team and contribute to the development of the team and society as a whole.
ON5. Conduct research in the field of methodology of computational experiments based on approximating differential equations by methods of finite differences, volumes and / or elements.
ON6. Conduct a fundamental analysis of computational methods and difference schemes for convergence and correctness, including in the case of high-performance algorithms.Create and use correct structured, curvilinear, unstructured computational grids in computational problems;
ON7. To formulate the task of statistical analysis and evaluation in the chosen subject area, to select and apply statistical tools and software. To master new methods of applied and mathematical statistics for their use in analytical work:
ON8. Develop parallel computing algorithms for engineering problems and implement them in high-performance systems, develop quantum computing algorithms.
ON9. Use the methods of mathematical statistics on real data for the selection of parameters, adaptation and testing of computing systems based on real experiments
ON10.Use data mining methods based on deep learning, reinforcement learning to adapt the computational algorithm to effectively predict results
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years