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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Oriental Studies
Oriental Studies
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Arts
Upon completion of this Education Program, students are expected to be able to:
1.develop in the international context of interaction and cooperation an understanding of the cultures and customs of other countries, using linguistic knowledge, with experts in various subject areas in solving actual scientific problems;
2. use language skills and knowledge in analytical and expert work, lead discussions on topics related to professional activities;
3. present programs for planning, organizing and implementing educational activities (for practical and seminar classes) in oriental studies;
4. use new information technologies and resources, modern methods of searching, storing and processing material about the achievements of domestic and foreign science for further professional growth;
5. find technological solutions to a scientific problem in new and unfamiliar contexts of traditional and modern processes in the countries of the East;
6. generate the knowledge gained in their own scientific research on current problems of oriental science.
7. critically assess the relationship of social and political phenomena, predict social and economic processes in the countries of the East;
8. use the methods of research of philological and historical material in the interdisciplinary context of the sciences of the East to build their own concepts in the interpretation of religious and cultural events in the world;
9.substantiate their position on topical issues of the studied country of the East in the field of socio-economic, cultural, historical and social relations;
10.classify written monuments in oriental language according to periods of creation, authors, genres, topics and demonstrate the skills of independent analysis of various written sources;
11.annotate and translate professional texts from the eastern language into Kazakh / Russian;
12.apply traditional and innovative methods and technologies of teaching Oriental subjects in the implementation of the educational process at the university;
13.to use fundamental and conceptual knowledge of the history and philosophy of science, pedagogy of higher education, psychology of management, and actively implementing the skills and abilities of foreign language communication in all types of speech activity;
14.Be able to solve the issues of complex study of the Eastern country and the ability to apply knowledge of its main geographical, demographic, economic and socio-political characteristics in pedagogical activities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years