- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
1.ON1 – to set, to obtain data with an estimate of measurement errors and interpret the results of the experiment in the fields of theoretical physics, thermal physics, plasma physics and medical physics;
2.ON2 – to explain the experimental data obtained using modern theories and the involvement of physical models, phenomena and processes;
3. ON3- freely operate with computer programs, mathematical and numerical methods for the compilation of models and calculations of phenomena and processes in the fields of theoretical physics, thermal physics, plasma physics and medical physics;
4. ON4- to build graphs, dependencies of various parameters of physical systems;
5. ON5- to critical to evaluate the results of calculations, research and experiments, to make a report on the work performed;
6. ON6 - to substantiate the scientific results on a specific physical problem in order to achieve joint goals and accomplish tasks;
7. ON7 - effectively demonstrate the skills and express in the most digestible form of their knowledge to the audience;
8. ON8-to use modern educational technology and take into account the psychological and age characteristics of the audience when presenting materials;
9. ON9-to evaluate learning outcomes using modern technologies;
10. ON10- to organize and motivate students to obtain optimal learning outcomes;
11. ON11- to use distance learning technologies with the use of innovative techniques.
ON12-to understand the nature and social significance of their future profession, to show a steady interest in it, to achieve the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the development of professional skills in the process of learning in the university.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years