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- Innovation Management
Innovation Management
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences
LО 1. To carry out academic, scientific research, scientific and methodological activities using modern teaching technologies and to build an educational process aimed at the formation of the socialization of the individual on the basis of national and universal values,
LО 2. Analyze organizational and managerial activities in an organization, using methods and tools of management psychology, apply methods of higher education pedagogy in training managers of innovative activities
LО 3. Justify directions for improving the mechanism for implementing the state's innovation policy. opportunities to increase the innovative potential of the state and form sustainable competitive advantages, apply methods and means of state regulation of innovation activities, develop strategies for innovation activities, carry out operational management throughout the life cycle (Types of corporate strategies (growth, stabilization, curtailment strategies)
LО 4 Analyze the influence of the architecture of the innovative business environment on the efficiency of innovation, using models of the innovation ecosystem, determine the level of development of environmental responsibility, analyzing the dynamics of the growth of “green” technologies.
LО 5. Organize scientific research in the field of innovative activities of the state and business, using methods and tools for planning scientific research, publish the results of scientific research.
LО 6.. Apply methods of intellectual property management, analyze the patent landscape and patent purity of a product (technology) to extract the maximum socio-economic effect from the results of innovation activities, develop the innovative potential of the domestic economy.
LО 7. Apply methods for managing the sustainable development of society based on an analysis of the main barriers to sustainable development, identifying ways to increase the impact of innovation on the sustainable development of the economy in the process of implementing government tasks in the field of green economy and eco-innovation, as well as reducing the negative impact on the environment of the energy sector and sustainable development.
LО 8. Analyze the processes of organizing innovative entrepreneurship, creating, launching and implementing startups;
apply methods of managing types of innovative companies, apply a system of transfer of innovative technologies and commercialization of innovations, apply strategies, methods of change management, development of innovative activity, R&D management model, Stage-Gate Model, Innovation Funnel Model, Open Innovation Model, SWOT analysis, PERT- analysis.)
LО 9. Analyze the key parameters of the innovation market, develop promotion strategies, position the innovation on the market to successfully bring the innovation to the market, using strategies, methods, and innovation marketing tools.
LО 10. Assess employee performance, stress resistance, leadership, ability to work in a team, analyzing employees’ emotional intelligence, empathy, using burnout prevention methods, and communication management methods.
LО 11. Analyze the differences between national business cultures, applying theories and methods of cross-cultural management, communication risk management methods for the effective exchange of information in a cross-cultural environment.
LО 12. Identify risks by analyzing their impact on the processes of development, investment, commercialization, promotion and implementation of innovations, apply risk management methods and tools, justify the choice of methods to neutralize risks.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years