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- Educational programs
- State and Local Government
State and Local Government
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences
LO1 To carry out academic, research, scientific, and methodological activities using modern teaching technologies and to build an educational process aimed at the formation of personal socialization based on national and universal values;
LO2 to formalize the results of research work by applying their knowledge in setting research goals and solving project tasks, analyzing modern theories, concepts, and models in the field of state and local government;
LO3 improves the strategy of human resource management of the organization and designs organizational structures of state and local government, solves the tasks of personnel work through the introduction of HR technologies for the organization of evaluation procedures and professional development of personnel;
LO4 diagnoses the problems and prospects of socio-economic development of the country's regions, develops alternative management solutions in the field of ensuring the economic security of the country and areas based on the analysis and assessment of criteria and indicators of threats to financial security;
LO5 to formulate strategic management tasks in the interests of society and the state, including setting socially significant goals, creating conditions for their achievement, organizing work to obtain the maximum possible results from the introduction of digital technologies and artificial intelligence into the public administration system;
LO6 to organize the implementation of decisions of the President, the Government, and higher state bodies; to establish accounting and verification of the execution of these decisions; to ensure control over the progress of their implementation; to look for ways to coordinate various interests;
LO7 to implement the main directions of the state image and information policy and solve social problems, identify the causes, and prevent social conflicts in society;
LO8 develop a plan for the financial and economic activities of the company, analyze the financial and economic statements of the organization, including in the field of housing and communal services, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of state programs;
LO9 develops proposals to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government activities based on monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of achieving and implementing strategic goals and objectives in the system of strategic planning and result-oriented budgeting;
LO10 to develop recommendations to state and local government bodies on the practical solution of urgent problems of combating crisis manifestations in all levels of the management hierarchy;
LO11 develop, based on the assessment of compliance risks, regulatory and legal support for the relevant field of professional activity and proposals for the introduction of innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of activities;
LO12 Can quickly adapt to new conditions, to continuous education to acquire new knowledge, be ready to transfer existing knowledge, skills, abilities, and skills to new objects of activity, and realize the need to form new competencies.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years