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- Master degree program
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- Nuclear Мedicine
Nuclear Мedicine
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
ON1. conduct research on phantom models with calibration sources, radiation protection equipment and remote tools for studying the effects of radioactive radiation on them without violating sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ensuring radiation safety to limit the level of occupational exposure;
ON2. take part in the development of new methods for determining violations of organs and systems of the human body when using x-rays and gamma rays, as well as using beta and alpha radioactive isotopes;
ON3. calculate radiation doses and exposures for the radiation safety of the patient and staff and monitor patients during radionuclide studies using radioactive beams and radiopharmaceuticals;
ON4. control the physico-technical parameters and operational characteristics of reactors, cyclotrons and equipment for the production of radionuclides and the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals in production laboratories.
ON5. use nuclear-physical methods for the generation of radioactive isotopes and the synthesis of labeled pharmaceuticals; choose methods to control the quality of radiopharmaceuticals and determine the radionuclide and radiochemical purity of radiopharmaceuticals supplied to medical institutions in the form ready for direct introduction into the patient’s body, as well as radiopharmaceuticals prepared directly in the laboratory of the nuclear medicine division;
ON6. perform calculations of the spatial distribution of radiation doses, taking into account the external conditions and characteristics of the sources, using computerized dosimetry planning systems; perform in the design calculations of radiation protection of premises from sources of ionizing radiation, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents, ethical and legal aspects in the field of nuclear medicine to reduce medical doses to the population and personnel;
ON7. carry out radiation and environmental surveys and measurements using dosimetric, radiometric and spectrometric nuclear physics equipment; perform complex computer processing in the analysis and reconstruction of tomographic images in order to determine from them diagnostically informative quantitative parameters and characteristics;
ON8. compile a methodology and technology for the collection, storage and disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive waste generated during radionuclide diagnostics and therapy; develop requirements for ventilation and, in general, for the storage of radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive medical and industrial waste, develop measures to reduce risks and ensure radiation safety;
ON9. select and monitor the physico-technical parameters and characteristics of the operation of gamma cameras, radionuclide tomographs, clinical radiometers; identify the deviations detected in the control of the parameters and characteristics of the nuclear medical equipment from their nominal values and take the necessary measures to eliminate them, using the embedded software to correct the parameters and adjust the mechanical components and electronic circuits;
ON10. assess tomographic and topological images of the localization of radioactivity and formulate corrective actions necessary for the planned radionuclide study, depending on its clinical purpose, the functionality of the nuclear-medical equipment and the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the patient's body; monitor the implementation of radionuclide diagnostics, outpatient radionuclide therapy;
ON11. choose and effectively use educational methods, technologies of education and training in order to ensure the planned level of personal and professional development of the student during the training courses for undergraduate programs.
ON12. observe the rules of medical ethics when communicating with patients, their relatives and colleagues, explain to patients the benefits of nuclear medicine procedures for the prevention of radiophobia; work in a team.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years