- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences
ON1 To carry out scientific and empirical research on the development of financial science in Kazakhstan, as well as to apply fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of finance within the framework of modern scientific financial areas
ON2 Create and analyze trends, processes and financial market instruments, applying knowledge of basic concepts, theories, principles, methods and tools in the field of finance
ON3 Apply the analysis of financial statements based on IFRS in the formation of reliable information necessary for users to make managerial and financial decisions
ON4 Differentiate different methods of analysis and models to solve complex financial problems, identify socio-economic problems and analyze processes using methods of systems analysis and mathematical modeling
ON5 Develop research and innovation projects, business plans for the creation and development of new organizations and new financial products
ON6 Apply knowledge in the field of innovation, skills and abilities to restructure professional activities, show creativity and initiative in assessing the state and risks of the financial environment
ON7 Apply knowledge of laws and regulations, compliance with laws, standards and requirements in the field of compliance in the field of finance, regulatory and instructional documentation; apply the skills and abilities to develop current documentation
ON8 Model financial and investment projects to predict financial processes and phenomena, practical situations based on the study of the best domestic and foreign cases, using qualitative analysis and synthesis.
ON9 Formulate promising trends in the development of pedagogical and methodological science, apply innovative and interactive technologies and teaching methods in financial disciplines in higher education
ON10 Apply the methodology and terminology characteristic of the financial and economic sciences, produce structuring, systematization of knowledge and their presentation in various ways; apply research methodology in the context of various areas of modern financial management and consulting.
ON11 Evaluate received scientific knowledge and generate it into own scientific research on finance and financial market; arguedly present the results and conclusions at a scientific presentation or defense
ON12 Apply methods of communication in society, create a team of professionals, work effectively in teams, defend one's position, convince and find compromise and alternative solutions, have social responsibility and the ability to serve society
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years