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- Master degree program
- Educational programs
- Regional Studies (Eastern Countries)
Regional Studies (Eastern Countries)
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
Upon completion of this EP it is expected that undergraduates will be able to:
1. apply the skills of organizing and planning scientific activities in professional activities, participate in research and development/creative projects; work with national and international databases; build hypotheses and effectively apply the methodology of regional and cross-regional research in the analysis of regional economic, cultural and political processes in the regions of the East;
2. apply knowledge of the theory and methodology of ethnopsychology and cultural studies, conflictology when comparing ethnopsychology and political culture and analyze ethnopolitical and interfaith conflicts in the countries of the studied region;
3. organize and conduct training sessions (except lectures) taking into account the principles of student-centered learning and assessment; to develop educational and methodological materials on the subjects taught, taking into account the integration of education, science and innovation; to develop a methodological portfolio for the implementation of educational activities in the bachelor's degree during teaching practice;
4. apply philosophical and general scientific research methods in professional activity, apply methods of structuring regional space, assess the impact of internal and structural-spatial factors of national and regional character on world politics and international relations;
5. apply oral speech skills in translation activities using terminology in the specialty in the Oriental language, maintain documentation (within the program) within the framework of the requirements adopted in professional, academic, scientific communication and in the field of international activity in the language of the studied region;
6. critically evaluate life and professional situations from the point of view of psychology, to see the relationship between the behavior and performance of the individual and the team, resources and development opportunities;
7. analyze and analyze the functioning of the elements of the economic structure and critically evaluate the economic strategy and socio-economic processes in the countries of the studied region;
8. apply the theory and methodology of ethnology, demography and diasporology to analyze and predict ethnic, demographic and migration processes in the countries of the studied region;
9. apply knowledge of the theory and methodology of the political process, modernization and transitology in the analysis of the political, socio-economic process, modernization and transformation in the countries of the studied region, the main research approaches to the study of the dynamics of regimes and political transition, classical and modern theories of modernization;
10. conduct a critical analysis and evaluation in substantiating the role of the profile region in the global security system;
11. review scientific texts; to translate and annotate scientific articles and monographs from English and the language of the relevant region into Russian/Kazakh; to make a report in the Oriental language on the topic of scientific research; to apply knowledge of a foreign language of the relevant region in the implementation of communication in business and political spheres;
12. apply knowledge of the theory and methodology of the main paradigms of international relations, the theory of integration in the analysis of foreign policy concepts and strategies and regional integration processes in the countries of the studied region.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years