Master degree program
Management and Audit of Complex Safety in Industry

Management and Audit of Complex Safety in Industry


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Sciences


Upon completion of this program, it is expected that masters will be able to:
1. To practice data collection and registration, to organize complex safety on production, to apply the main software products and software and hardware for ensuring complex safety.
2. To create a database of technospheric safety and technospheric vulnerability of objects based on the specified criteria for the implementation of safety monitoring using safety monitoring methods and tools.
3. To use mathematical devices of the theory of reliability in solving practical problems of production safety management to ensure the reliability of technical systems and reduce technogenic risk.
4. To analyze various types of risks in the enterprise, using the theory of probability and methods of multivariate analysis and risk of complex systems to prevent risk and reduce damage from risk; to justify the theoretical basis for assessment of various risks, methods of their modeling and management.
5. Assess the performance and technical condition of machinery and equipment by methods and technical means of assessing the technical condition for improving the sustainability of the functioning of economic objects.
6. Correctly assess the compliance or non-compliance of the actual state of safety at the workplace with methods for assessing the state of safety at work to improve the working conditions of workers and reduce the level of occupational risks.
7. To organize an audit of complex security of the industry and to draw up a conclusion on the audit of the enterprise security based on the audit methodology.
8. To carry out safety expertise of technical projects, production facilities, industrial enterprises, engineering and technical measures to ensure comprehensive safety on regulatory basis.
9. To carry out a comparative analysis of the possible results of the implementation of measures on the basis of methods of expert assessment of the security of the object of the economy, monitoring the implementation of the proposed measures and comparative analysis of the results of the implementation of measures in the field of integrated security.
10. To develop recommendations for improving project safety based on project analysis and risk assessment methods, project development forecasting, model creation methods in project management, applying norms and standards governing organizations in the field of project management, various types of project management models.
11. Develop innovative technical solutions and recommendations for improving integrated security in accordance with the plan for improving the level of security in enterprises.
12. Able to comply with the requirements and restrictions in personal, work and social life, develop their own skills as well as choose and implement life plans.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Management and Audit of Complex Safety in Industry
Speciality Code
Geography and Environmental Sciences


Assessment of the Reliability, Surviveness and Security of Technical Systems
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to describe technical systems and evaluate their reliability, survivability and safety. The training course forms a theoretical and practical basis for understanding the nature of the causes of technical systems, their frequency, speed of failure. Discipline is aimed at studying: methods for assessing the reliability, survivability, safety of technical systems and preserving their efficiency; ways to calculate the probability of failure.

Audit of complex safety
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline development of skills in analyzing the regulatory framework, organization and conduct of an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety in the organization. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - show the ability to carry out technical and economic calculations of measures to improve safety; the ability to interact with government services in the field of environmental, industrial, fire safety, protection in emergency situations; - discuss in practice the theory of management decision-making and methods of expert assessments; analyze and assess the potential danger of economic objects to humans and the environment; - to conduct an examination of the safety and environmental performance of technical projects, industries, industrial enterprises and territorial-industrial complexes; - develop recommendations for improving the security of the facility; conduct an examination of the safety of the object, certification of products of machines, materials for safety; conduct a scientific examination of the safety of new projects, the audit of security systems; - organize monitoring in the technosphere and analyze its results, draw up short-term and long-term forecasts of the development of the situation; carry out activities for the supervision and control of the object of the economy, the territory in accordance with the current regulatory framework Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at developing skills in analyzing the regulatory framework, organizing and conducting an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety in an organization. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Regulatory legal framework for the audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety Methods of organizing and conducting an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety management systems Production Safety Audit Audit of industrial safety in the organization Audit of environmental safety in the organization

Audit of Complex Safety
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline development of skills in analyzing the regulatory framework, organization and conduct of an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety in the organization. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - show the ability to carry out technical and economic calculations of measures to improve safety; the ability to interact with government services in the field of environmental, industrial, fire safety, protection in emergency situations; - discuss in practice the theory of management decision-making and methods of expert assessments; analyze and assess the potential danger of economic objects to humans and the environment; - to conduct an examination of the safety and environmental performance of technical projects, industries, industrial enterprises and territorial-industrial complexes; - develop recommendations for improving the security of the facility; conduct an examination of the safety of the object, certification of products of machines, materials for safety; conduct a scientific examination of the safety of new projects, the audit of security systems; - organize monitoring in the technosphere and analyze its results, draw up short-term and long-term forecasts of the development of the situation; carry out activities for the supervision and control of the object of the economy, the territory in accordance with the current regulatory framework Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at developing skills in analyzing the regulatory framework, organizing and conducting an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety in an organization. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Regulatory legal framework for the audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety Methods of organizing and conducting an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental safety management systems Production Safety Audit Audit of industrial safety in the organization Audit of environmental safety in the organization

Declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous production facility
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of mastering the discipline is to obtain professional competencies to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities (HIF). Studies the legal regulation of relations in the field of ensuring the safe operation of hazardous production facilities and is aimed at preventing factors arising from accidents on personnel, the population, the environment, ensuring the readiness of organizations to localize and eliminate accidents, incidents and their consequences, guaranteed compensation for losses caused by them individuals and legal entities, the environment and the state

Foreign language (professional)
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form practical skills in various types of speech activity in a foreign language. The training course builds the ability to perceive, understand and translate information in the modern global space, participate in scientific events to test their own research. The discipline is aimed at improving competencies in accordance with international standards of foreign language education.

Foreign Language (professional)
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form practical skills in various types of speech activity in a foreign language. The training course builds the ability to perceive, understand and translate information in the modern global space, participate in scientific events to test their own research. The discipline is aimed at improving competencies in accordance with international standards of foreign language education.

History and Philosophy of Science
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form a holistic systemic understanding of philosophy as a special form of cognition of the world, its main sections, problems and methods of their study in the context of future professional activity. The training course forms the theoretical and methodological basis of research work.

Organization and Planning of Scientific Research
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The discipline’s purpose: preparation of master students for work in the field of science and their familiarization with the scientific research peculiarities, scientific and technical, innovative activity, with the scientific research means and methods, organization and planning of creative work; analyze the theoretical and experimental research, formulate conclusions and suggestions.

Pedagogy of higher education
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to teach in universities and colleges based on knowledge of higher school didactics, theory of education and management of education, analysis and self-assessment of teaching activities. The training course is aimed at studying the trends in the development of education and the Bologna process. The course will help you master teaching and curatorial skills, various strategies and methods of teaching and education.

Pedagogy of higher education
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to teach in universities and colleges based on knowledge of higher school didactics, theory of education and management of education, analysis and self-assessment of teaching activities. The training course is aimed at studying the trends in the development of education and the Bologna process. The course will help you master teaching and curatorial skills, various strategies and methods of teaching and education.

Psychology of management
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is to provide scientific training of highly qualified specialists based on the study of fundamental concepts of management psychology, creating prerequisites for a theoretical understanding and practical application of the most important aspects of the field of management in the process of professional formation. The course is aimed at studying the patterns of development and functioning of mental processes, the basics of effective interaction and conflict resolution, self-development and self-presentation.

Risk management, systems analysis and modeling
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of discipline - The goal of the course is to build the ability to assess and manage the risks of production facilities and processes in the technosphere. The purpose of discipline. Master the criteria for various types of risks. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: model, reduce occupational risks, manage them, assess the degree of danger of human impact on a person, modern software products for risk assessment and prevention; methods of multivariate analysis and risk assessment of complex systems.

Safety monitoring
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline formation of the masters of modern understanding of the tasks of monitoring the safety of industrial facilities and residential areas, natural sites, as an integral part of scientific research aimed at improving the quality of life of the population; knowledge and skills in the field of theory and practice of monitoring security in enterprises of any industry. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - Define concepts, concepts, principles and methods for monitoring the safety, security and safety of processes and systems for production purposes; principles and methods for conducting environmental, industrial, fire safety, emergency safety examinations; - choose methods and techniques for protecting humans and the environment from human impact. - analyze and assess the degree of danger of human impact on humans and the environment; - plan an event to ensure technospheric safety; - to assess the trends in the development of relevant technologies and tools; Purpose of discipline. The course aims to develop among the masters of modern understanding of the tasks of monitoring the safety of industrial facilities and residential areas, natural objects, as an integral part of research aimed at improving the quality of life of the population; knowledge and skills in the field of theory and practice of monitoring security in enterprises of any industry. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Monitoring, types of monitoring. Organization and conduct of production control. Special assessment of working conditions. State environmental monitoring. State environmental supervision. Production control in the field of environmental protection. Public environmental control. State accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment. Responsibility for violation of the law. Air protection. Public control over the protection of atmospheric air. State supervision in the field of waste management. Monitoring of the radiation situation. State function for the implementation of state environmental supervision. Monitoring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Monitoring of industrial facilities, buildings and structures. Provision for scheduled preventive maintenance. Repair of industrial buildings and structures. Fire safety assessment of the production facility. Fire risk assessment of the production facility. Assessment of compliance of objects of protection with fire safety requirements. Risk management. The procedure for managing fire risk in the enterprise. Protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. State supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations. State supervision of compliance with fire safety requirements. Administrative procedure for the execution of the state function of supervision over the implementation of fire safety requirements. Conducting inspections against organizations and citizens. Detection of violations of fire safety requirements. Monitoring the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. Production control of hazardous production facilities. Examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. Control and supervision of compliance with industrial safety at hazardous.

The Organization and Management of Complex Safety in the Industry
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose discipline formation of knowledge in field of safety and practical activities to identify, prevent, weaken, eliminate, repel complex threats of natural, man-made, terrorist, nature; organizational, managerial, planning, economic, financial, research, entrepreneurial competencies necessary to perform professional activities in field of technical operation, maintenance of civil buildings and structures.

Data for 2021-2024 years


Analysis and development of innovative technical solutions in the field of industrial, fire safety, labor protection and environmental protection
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form undergraduates the ability to develop innovative technical solutions; to create conditions for obtaining skills in analyzing patent documentation, with a comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determination of their advantages and disadvantages; provide an opportunity to gain skills in the practical implementation of the developed innovative solutions and assess the resulting positive effect. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - describe the theory and algorithms for the analysis of innovative technical solutions; analyze innovative technical solutions and recommendations for improving industrial, fire safety, occupational health and the environment; - to make a review of patent documentation, with the implementation of the comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determine their strengths and weaknesses; describe the methods of searching for patent documents using information technology; - apply information technology to search for innovative technical solutions in the field of industrial, fire safety, labor protection and the environment; - to analyze the characteristics and design features of innovative technical solutions, to make comparative descriptions of analogues; to streamline the procedures for practical implementation in the development of innovative technical solutions; - discuss the comparative descriptions of the safety and environmental performance of technical projects, industries, industrial enterprises and territorial-industrial complexes. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at developing master's skills in the development of innovative technical solutions; to create conditions for obtaining skills in analyzing patent documentation, with a comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determination of their advantages and disadvantages; provide an opportunity to gain skills in the practical implementation of the developed innovative solutions and assess the resulting positive effect. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: International Patent Classification Technical Solutions Analysis Search for technical solutions using automated information systems Report on the search results and analysis of innovative technical solutions Development of innovative technical solutions

Analysis and Development of Innovative Technical Solutions in the Field of Industrial, Fire Safety, Labor Protection and Environmental Protection
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form undergraduates the ability to develop innovative technical solutions; to create conditions for obtaining skills in analyzing patent documentation, with a comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determination of their advantages and disadvantages; provide an opportunity to gain skills in the practical implementation of the developed innovative solutions and assess the resulting positive effect. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - describe the theory and algorithms for the analysis of innovative technical solutions; analyze innovative technical solutions and recommendations for improving industrial, fire safety, occupational health and the environment; - to make a review of patent documentation, with the implementation of the comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determine their strengths and weaknesses; describe the methods of searching for patent documents using information technology; - apply information technology to search for innovative technical solutions in the field of industrial, fire safety, labor protection and the environment; - to analyze the characteristics and design features of innovative technical solutions, to make comparative descriptions of analogues; to streamline the procedures for practical implementation in the development of innovative technical solutions; - discuss the comparative descriptions of the safety and environmental performance of technical projects, industries, industrial enterprises and territorial-industrial complexes. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at developing master's skills in the development of innovative technical solutions; to create conditions for obtaining skills in analyzing patent documentation, with a comparison, identification of key elements and properties of the proposed technical solutions, determination of their advantages and disadvantages; provide an opportunity to gain skills in the practical implementation of the developed innovative solutions and assess the resulting positive effect. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: International Patent Classification Technical Solutions Analysis Search for technical solutions using automated information systems Report on the search results and analysis of innovative technical solutions Development of innovative technical solutions

Assessment of Efficiency of Engineering-technical Events
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline with the help of certain knowledge and skills to form the skills of future masters to assess the effectiveness of the proposed engineering measures to ensure industrial, industrial and environmental safety. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - describe the main methods of analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed technical solutions in the implementation of expert and analytical work; methods to improve the reliability and sustainability of industrial facilities; - to evaluate the method of technical and economic calculations of measures to improve the safety of the object of the economy, the financial plan for the proposed engineering and technical measures to ensure the production, industrial, environmental safety by budget funds - apply the methods of expert assessments and calculation of the effectiveness of engineering and technical measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters for making sound economic decisions; to organize interaction with state services in the field of environmental, industrial, fire safety, protection in emergency situations, - to compare new methods of improving the reliability and sustainability of technical objects, maintaining their functional purpose; analyze and evaluate the potential hazards of industrial facilities for humans and the environment; - develop recommendations for improving the level of integrated safety of an industrial facility; to assess the magnitude of damage from industrial accidents, the effectiveness of the proposed engineering and technical measures. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of future masters skills to assess the effectiveness of the proposed engineering and technical measures to ensure industrial, industrial and environmental safety with the help of certain knowledge and skills. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Organization of labor protection service for evaluation of engineering and technical measures Structure of labour protection obligations in the employment contract and collective agreement Organization and conduct of inspections of compliance with the requirements of the law in the field of labor protection State examination of quality of certification of working conditions Evaluation of the effectiveness of engineering and technical measures within the state and departmental control over industrial safety Environmental performance assessment. Review and improve the eco-efficiency assessment. Stage - check and action. Indicators state of the environment. Resources, functional duties, responsibilities and powers of specialists and employees of the organization in the implementation of environmental management system. Environmental performance indicators. Assessment of the integral impact of economic activities on the environment. Assessment of the implementation of the state program in the field of labor protection and evaluation of the effectiveness of its activities Rules of assessment of compliance of objects of protection to the established requirements of fire safety by independent assessment of fire risk Production control. The procedure for assessing the availability and sufficiency of material and financial resources of the industrial facility for localization and liquidation of emergency situations in the audit. Recommendations for hazard analysis and accident risk assessment

Control and Supervision of Safety of Technical Objects
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline the formation of the necessary knowledge about the tasks, functions and rights of the state supervisory and control bodies for labor protection, industrial safety and industrial hygiene, as well as the organization of control exercised by the enterprises themselves. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - show the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility, the requirements of laws, regulations for the safe conduct of work at hazardous production facilities, the structure of state, departmental and production control and supervision of industrial safety; - describe the principles, methods of control and preventive work at hazardous production facilities by the state bodies and production control services over the observance of industrial safety at hazardous facilities; - demonstrate all the basic concepts related to the organization of the activities of state supervisory and control bodies in the sphere of technosphere safety; to ensure the safe conduct of technological processes, to the main tasks and functions of a specialist in the supervision and control of industrial safety and labor protection; - analyze the skills of identifying hazards, applying the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection and industrial safety in specific production conditions; - to summarize the results on the identification of violations and execution of relevant documents. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of the necessary knowledge about the tasks, functions and rights of the state Supervisory and control bodies for labor protection, industrial safety and industrial sanitation, as well as the organization of control carried out by the enterprises themselves. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Conceptual apparatus in the field of supervision and control in the field of safety of technical objects; Development of state control and supervision in the field of technosphere safety; The system of state supervisory and control bodies in the field of security in modern kazakhstan Organization of supervisory and control activities in the field of safety of technical facilities Ensuring control over compliance with safety requirements carried out by enterprises

Expertanalysis of Engineering-technical Events
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to develop future masters' skills in expert analysis of the proposed engineering and technical measures to ensure industrial, industrial and environmental safety. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - to analyze the methods and theories of economic sciences in the implementation of expert and analytical work; carry out technical and economic calculations of measures to improve safety - describe new methods to improve the reliability and sustainability of technical objects, maintain their functional purpose; interact with public services in the field of environmental, industrial, fire safety, protection in emergency situations - put into practice the theory of management decision-making and expert assessment methods; analyze and assess the potential danger of economic objects to humans and the environment - to conduct an examination of the safety and environmental friendliness of technical projects, industries, industrial enterprises and territorial-industrial complexes; - develop recommendations for improving the security of the facility; conduct an examination of the safety of the object, certification of products of machines, materials for safety; carry out activities for the supervision and control of the object of the economy, the territory in accordance with the current regulatory framework; Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of future masters skills of expert analysis of the proposed engineering measures to ensure industrial, industrial and environmental safety. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities Industrial safety expertise Development of industrial safety declaration Compulsory civil liability insurance Certification of experts in the field of industrial safety Supervision and control in the field of industrial safety Assessment of damage from accidents at hazardous production facilities Training of employees of hazardous production facilities Responsibility for violation of the legislation in the field of industrial safety Expert analysis of legal regulation in the field of labor protection Expert analysis of activity of service of labor protection Expert analysis of the state examination of working conditions Expert analysis of compensation for working conditions Expert analysis of measures to improve working conditions Financing of preventive measures Analysis of the effectiveness of measures to improve working conditions Analysis of types of responsibility for non-compliance with labor protection requirements Expert analysis of legal regulation in the field of environmental safety Ecological expertise

Expertise Safety
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline formation of knowledge and improvement of the quality of training of masters on compliance with the requirements of environmental, industrial and industrial safety expertise in the organization and methods of safety safety expertise in the organization. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - to demonstrate knowledge of the expertise of environmental, industrial, industrial safety; - to evaluate the effectiveness of technical and economic calculations of measures to improve safety; - put into practice the theory of management decision-making and expert assessment methods; demonstrate expert, supervisory and inspection and audit activities; - analyze and assess the potential danger of industrial facilities to humans and the environment; - organize monitoring in the technosphere and analyze its results, make short-term and long-term forecasts for the development of the situation. Purpose of discipline. The course is directed on formation of knowledge and the improvement of quality of preparation of masters on matters of compliance examination of the environmental, industrial, occupational safety in the organization and methods of the examination of safety in organizations In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Types of environmental impact assessment Environmental audit of organizations Principles and methods of environmental impact assessment Legislative support of industrial safety expertise Types of industrial safety expertise Examination of industrial safety in the areas of supervision Legislative support of fire safety expertise Fire-technical expertise Requirements of fire safety declaration Legislative support for the examination of safety in emergency situations State expertise, supervision and control in the field of protection of population and territories from emergency situations Economic assessment of efficiency of implemented engineering and technical measures for safety in emergency situations

Information technologies of management of safety
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline formation of students' understanding of the purpose and types of software information systems and technologies in the field of environmental, industrial, industrial safety, security in emergency situations, the acquisition of professional knowledge and practical skills in the use of modern information and computing tools to solve problems arising in the technosphere. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - To establish the basic computer and information technologies when solving typical and practical security tasks adopted in the production areas; - to evaluate professional computer and information technologies when solving industrial and scientific tasks of ensuring security, analyzing, systematizing, modeling and forecasting the development of situations; - prepare tasks in the field of security, identify hazardous areas using computer and information technology methods; - analyze the natural-technical systems in structural terms, identify hazardous areas, extremely dangerous areas, acceptable risk areas using computer and information technology methods; - summarize the data obtained in the professional activity through the implementation of computer and information technologies in the processing of the results; Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at developing students' understanding of the purpose and types of software information systems and technologies in the field of environmental, industrial, industrial safety, safety in emergency situations, the acquisition of professional knowledge and practical skills in the use of modern information and computing tools to solve problems arising in technosphere conditions. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Modern information systems, computer and information technology in the field of security, Information systems, databases and knowledge in the field of security, System analysis, mathematical modeling and security forecasting, Software products used in the field of safety of natural-technical systems and complexes, automated systems for assessing and monitoring the state of safety

Management of the systems of protection against dangers
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT1+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline form the future masters basic knowledge and understanding of protection systems; about the development of protection systems, their improvement and consideration of the most dangerous objects; about the main factors affecting the dynamics of the development of protection systems; about the reasons for the development of protection systems for the effective management of protection systems against hazards. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - describe the principles of construction and operation of electrical machines, circuits and electronic circuits; main technosphere hazards, their properties and characteristics; the nature of the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on humans and the environment, methods of protection against them; scientific and organizational bases for the safety of production processes and the sustainability of production in emergency situations; - systematize the basic principles of analysis and modeling of the reliability of technical systems and the definition of acceptable risk; the current system of regulatory and legal acts in the field of technosphere safety; safety management system in the technosphere; - use modern means of computer graphics; carry out calculations of machine parts according to the criteria of efficiency and reliability; apply the principles of construction, analysis and operation of electrical networks, electrical equipment and industrial electronic devices; - explore the main hazards of the human environment, assess the risk of their implementation, choose methods of protection against hazards and ways to ensure comfortable living conditions; use basic habitat quality controls; calculate reliability and performance of the main types of mechanisms; - Manage ways and technologies of protection in emergency situations; conceptual terminology apparatus in the field of security; skills to measure the levels of hazards in the workplace and in the environment, using modern measuring equipment; methods of mathematical modeling of the reliability and safety of individual units of real technical systems and technical objects in general. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of future masters basic knowledge and understanding of protection systems; about the development of protection systems, their improvement and consideration of the most dangerous objects; about the main factors affecting the dynamics of the development of protection systems; about the reasons for the development of protection systems for the effective management of protection systems against hazards. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: The development of technology in antiquity. The formation of science and the dynamics of the development of technology. The reasons encouraging the development of technology. Creating the simplest means of protection. Scientific and technological progress - as the engine of security development. The first systems of protection from danger. Computerization of protection systems and reduction of injuries.

Management of the Systems of Protection Against Dangers
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline form the future masters basic knowledge and understanding of protection systems; about the development of protection systems, their improvement and consideration of the most dangerous objects; about the main factors affecting the dynamics of the development of protection systems; about the reasons for the development of protection systems for the effective management of protection systems against hazards. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - describe the principles of construction and operation of electrical machines, circuits and electronic circuits; main technosphere hazards, their properties and characteristics; the nature of the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on humans and the environment, methods of protection against them; scientific and organizational bases for the safety of production processes and the sustainability of production in emergency situations; - systematize the basic principles of analysis and modeling of the reliability of technical systems and the definition of acceptable risk; the current system of regulatory and legal acts in the field of technosphere safety; safety management system in the technosphere; - use modern means of computer graphics; carry out calculations of machine parts according to the criteria of efficiency and reliability; apply the principles of construction, analysis and operation of electrical networks, electrical equipment and industrial electronic devices; - explore the main hazards of the human environment, assess the risk of their implementation, choose methods of protection against hazards and ways to ensure comfortable living conditions; use basic habitat quality controls; calculate reliability and performance of the main types of mechanisms; - Manage ways and technologies of protection in emergency situations; conceptual terminology apparatus in the field of security; skills to measure the levels of hazards in the workplace and in the environment, using modern measuring equipment; methods of mathematical modeling of the reliability and safety of individual units of real technical systems and technical objects in general. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of future masters basic knowledge and understanding of protection systems; about the development of protection systems, their improvement and consideration of the most dangerous objects; about the main factors affecting the dynamics of the development of protection systems; about the reasons for the development of protection systems for the effective management of protection systems against hazards. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: The development of technology in antiquity. The formation of science and the dynamics of the development of technology. The reasons encouraging the development of technology. Creating the simplest means of protection. Scientific and technological progress - as the engine of security development. The first systems of protection from danger. Computerization of protection systems and reduction of injuries.

Methodological bases of system researches in labor protection
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline the formation of theoretical knowledge about the principles of research and procedures applied in the field of labor protection; skills in organizing, implementing and evaluating the results of scientific research in the field of methodological foundations for the assessment of working conditions and labor protection using modern methods of science, as well as information and innovation technologies As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - identify modern approaches to the organization of research work in the field of labor protection; structure of scientific activity; - identify the main research methods in labor protection; patterns of research organization at various stages in labor protection - develop a goal and objectives, the object and subject of study; to conduct bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies; highlight the necessary research methods in labor protection; streamline the results obtained, analyze and reflect on them based on the available data; set and solve tasks in the field of labor protection; - to make experiments according to specified methods with processing and analysis of their results; - draw up scientific reports on the assignment and participate in the implementation of research and development results in the field of labor protection; Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of theoretical knowledge about the principles of research and procedures applied in the field of labor protection; skills in organizing, implementing and evaluating the results of scientific research in the field of methodological foundations for the assessment of working conditions and labor protection using modern methods of science, as well as information and innovation technologies In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Science and its role in the development of society. Scientific research and its stages. Hygienic criteria and classification of working conditions when exposed to factors of the working environment. Risk assessment of production factors in the workplace and in the long term. Introduction to risk methodology. The concept of risk. The main elements of the risk assessment for public health. Hazard Identification. Assessment of dose-response. Exposure rating. Characteristics of the risk to public health. The use of the concept of risk assessment to identify priority problems in the management of environmental quality and public health.

Methodology of carrying out audit
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline is the formation of knowledge in the field of audit legislation, regulations governing the methodology for conducting audits, preparing and planning audits, maintaining working documentation, and issuing audit results. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - systematize audit requirements; determine the legal regulation of auditing activities; - clarify the procedure for evaluating internal and external audit systems; - organize and conduct an audit of industrial, industrial and environmental integrated safety in industry; - determine the work on the conduct of audits and the preparation of audit reports; - justify the technical and economic calculations of measures to improve integrated safety in industry; prepare recommendations for improving the level of integrated safety of an industrial facility. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of knowledge in the field of audit legislation, regulations governing the methodology of conducting audits, preparing and planning audits, maintaining working documentation, processing audit results. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Technological audit as a method of innovation management The main stages of the technological audit in the organization Technological audit as a method of assessing the state and prospects Economic examination of innovative projects Technological strategy of innovative organization

Programs of design in the sphere of safety
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline to form knowledge on methodologies and technologies for project management of technospheric safety for the implementation of effective life safety management in a complex, rapidly changing environment. to form knowledge on methodologies and technologies for project management of technospheric safety for the implementation of effective life safety management in a complex, rapidly changing environment. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of technospheric safety project management; - describe the technology to assess the effectiveness of the project and make the assessment itself; - develop a methodology for developing a project to ensure technospheric safety; to organize work with programs to ensure the integrated safety of industry in the process of creating and operating machinery in hazardous, extremely hazardous areas, areas of acceptable risk; - to consider methods of modeling in the management of projects providing technosphere safety; - to systematize the initial data for the calculation of the project efficiency; argue project risks. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of knowledge on methodologies and technologies of project management to ensure technospheric safety for the implementation of effective life safety management in a complex, rapidly changing environment. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Software products used in the field of safety of natural-technical systems and complexes, automated systems for assessing and monitoring the state of safety The use of integrated packages in engineering calculations. Use of specialized software: “Environmental Protection” based on 1C: Enterprise 8.2; Software complexes "Rus", "Ecosphere", "Fire safety", "Industrial safety", "Nature management module", UPRZA "Ecologist". The main software products designed to ensure the safety of natural-technical systems and complexes. Application of software and hardware in solving practical problems of ensuring the safety of natural-technical systems and complexes. The advantages and limitations of the use of automated systems for assessing and monitoring the state of security. Hardware implementation of information processes in the field of security. Using the TOXI + risk software package for assessing the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities. Making calculations, preparing a report. Software for automated assessment and control systems. Fundamentals of information security in local and global networks. Electronic signature.

Technology of Diagnostics and Control in the Industry
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline formation of skills and ability to participate in the state examination of working conditions conducted at the request of the state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, judicial authorities, labor protection management authority, employers, employers' associations, employees of professional bodies. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - Show the organization of supervision and control in the field of safety, state supervision bodies, their rights and obligations; features of public control over the state of labor protection in the enterprise, institutions and organizations. - clarify the regulatory levels and areas of increased pollution; methods of determining areas of increased pollution and occupational risk; foreign and domestic experience in the assessment of pollution and occupational risks. - use legislative and regulatory documentation on supervision and control in the field of safety; correctly assess the compliance or inconsistency of the actual state of safety in the workplace or in the organization with regulatory requirements. - to measure the state of the environment; to evaluate modern methods of determining pollution; to determine the levels of pollution by methods of assessing the state of safety in the workplace. - to consider the assessment of the working environment and occupational risks; expert assessment of working conditions and occupational risks; Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of skills and ability to participate in the state examination of working conditions, carried out at the request of the state supervision and control over compliance with the requirements of labor protection, the judiciary, labor protection management, employers, employers ' associations, employees of professional bodies. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Introduction to the discipline "technology of diagnostics and control in industry» Certification and certification on working conditions Order of filling of the card of certification of working conditions Hygienic assessment of working environment and labor process factors. Criteria and classification of certification of working conditions Assessment of the employee's personal protective equipment Assessment of risk of injury at the workplace Certification of works on labor protection

The Organization of Project Work in the System of Technosphere Safety
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline formation of a systematic methodical approach to project activities and the acquisition of practical skills of design work in design, the formation of a high design culture, which allows qualified decision-making on the coordination of people, equipment, materials, funds and schedules for the implementation of a specific project at a specified time. As a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate will be able to: - To determine the basic concepts of the organization of project activities (the concept of the project, its signs, objects of management in the project, etc.); - systematize the scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of the project management and organization system; - to interpret the views on the development of the concept of the project, its structuring and evaluation; evaluate the role and functions of the project manager at various stages of the project life cycle; - identify the tools for planning and monitoring the progress of the project; use the complex knowledge of science in project management; - attach importance to the development of the personality of the undergraduate, his motivation, readiness to make responsible and competent decisions. Purpose of discipline. The course is aimed at the formation of a systematic methodological approach to project activities and the acquisition of practical skills of project work in design, the formation of a high project culture, allowing qualified to make decisions on the coordination of people, equipment, materials, funds and schedules for a particular project at a given time. In studying the discipline, the following aspects will be considered: Project management in the technosphere safety system Project management processes in the technosphere safety system. Project content management Project time management Project cost management. Project team management Project risk management Project management plan Project execution control

Data for 2021-2024 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2021-2024 years