- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
1.ON1 understand and evaluate the role of science in the development of society, describe the current problems of mechanics, the current trends in the development of mechanics as a science;
2. ON2 to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems of mechanics, determining and evaluating the relevance of the chosen topic in theoretical and practical terms;
3. ON3 to apply computer modeling in solving modern problems of mechanics with the subsequent visualization of the processes occurring in the object of study;
4. ON4 to apply modern technologies of high-performance computing to solve problems of mechanics and critically analyze and evaluate the results obtained;
5. ON5 to analyze and apply analytical, qualitative and numerical methods used to solve problems of modern celestial mechanics, nonlinear dynamics of space flight, nonholonomic mechanics, perturbation theory, resonant multi-frequency systems;
6. ON6 analyze and apply analytical and numerical methods used to solve problems of hydrodynamics, turbulent and reacting flows, gas dynamics, as well as to study structures having nano-dimensions;
7. ON7 analyze and apply analytical and numerical methods used to solve problems of dynamics and control of mechanical and technical systems, machines and mechanisms;
8. ON8 analyze and apply analytical and numerical methods used to solve problems of the theory of elasticity, the theory of impact, the theory of rods, plates and shells, the study of mechanical processes in soils and rocks;
9. ON9 to plan and conduct research activities on the chosen scientific topic, starting with the competent formulation of the problem, determining the appropriate mathematical model, reasonable choice of methods for solving and completing the interpretation of the results with the development of recommendations for solving the problem;
10. ON10 to assess the interdisciplinarity of the problems studied, explain the research results and the proposed recommendations to specialists and non-specialists, as well as reasonably defend their point of view, critically and benevolently assessing the opinions of the listeners;
11. ON11 to demonstrate the ability to do research independently and successfully work in a team, to determine and analyze further ways of professional development, assessing the limitations and requirements of society;
12. ON12 to give lectures and teach students in special disciplines in universities and colleges applying the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology in higher education in their educational activities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years